Chapter 77

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** Adding some new characters!!!!! **


Kirstie walks into Patches bedroom to see him holding Dag in his lap, looking sadly down at the toy.

She starts putting his clothes away that she had just washed. With two babies in the house now, there was always clothes to wash.

"What's wrong, Angel?" She ask as she hanging his clothes in the clothes.

"Oooo pay? Ooo pay?" He ask with a nod. (you wanna play?)

"Honey, I don't have time to play. I've got loads of clothes to get washed. Then I have to give Emily a bath. She has a doctor's appointment today for a check-up." Kirstie says sitting down next to him.

"K..Keb pay." He pouts shaking his head no. "Sot... Mit? Mmm pay Sot  Mit." He nods.

"They're at work, Sweetie." She tells him while brushing his hair out of his face.

He pouts and hugs Dag up to his chest. Turning around, he lies down in bed, facing the wall and gives a heavy sigh.

Kirstie felt so bad. It just seem like she never could find the time to play with him any more. She knew he was lonely and Kevin just wasn't the type to roll around in the floor like a child and play.

Her heart broke to see him so sad and lonely. 

"Hey, do you want to go with me and Em? We can stop and get an ice cream cone after we leave the doctor." She ask as she rubs him on the back.

He pouts and nods his head.

They arrive at the doctor's clinic and take a seat after signing in. The place was pretty full so Kistie knew they would have a while to wait.

Emily was asleep in the baby carrier sitting on the floor near Kirstie's feet. Patches sit quietly beside her watching some children play with some toys that the clinic provided.

Two men enter the clinic. One of the two was walking with a limp and using a cane. They stand for a minute talking to the blond receptionist. Kirstie glances up from the magazine she had been thumbing through. The way the blond lady was smiling at one of the guys, Kirstie figures it might had been her husband or boyfriend.

The two guys walk over and sits down in the only two empty seats next to Kirstie. She glances up and smiles at the man sitting next to her.

He stares at her with large blue eyes.

"I...I...I'm a ...I'm a piwate." He says loudly, with a smile and a nod.

The other guy chuckles and leans over to the one claiming to be a pirate. "Hey, little buddy. Lower your voice O.K.?" 

"I.. I'm a piwate." He whispers.

Kirstie giggles. "Oh, so you're a pirate?"

"Uh huh. But I..I'm a good piwate." He grins and nods. "I..I..also like Batman and Darth Bader. 

"If he gets on your nerve, just tell him to shut up." The guy with the cane says with a chuckle.

"Ugh, dat's not nice, Tim."  The pirate says with a pout.

"No, you're right it wasn't nice and I'm sorry." Tim says with a smile.

"That's fine. I have nerves of steal thanks to this guy." Kirstie says with a nod toward the man beside her.

That's when Tim notice a pair of green eyes staring at him. "Hey there. What's your name?" Tim ask.

Patches smiles shyly and lays his head on Kirstie's shoulder.

"His name is Patches." She says.

"Mind if I ask how old is he?" Tim ask making a gesture to his head.

"I would say around 2." Kirstie answers.

"4." Tim answers with a smile at Adam. "His brother Chris is my best friend. He's a truck driver so he's gone a lot. So Adam stays with me and my girlfriend." He nods toward the blond behind the desk.

"Hey. Hey lady." Adam says, patting Kirstie on the arm. "What's h..his name?" He ask pointing at Patches."

"Adam, his name is Patches." Tim tells him.

"Patches?" He wrinkles his nose. "Lady, what's y..y..your name?"

"My name is Kirstie." She smiles.

"Dat's to hawd. I can't wememba dat." He says shaking his head.

"K..Kit." Patches says softly with a nod.

"Kit? I can wememba dat." Adam says nodding his head. "Tim, can m...m...m..."

"Stop. Take a deep breath and slow down." Tim tells him.

Adam closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. 

"Can and Patches go play?" Adam says much slower.

"I'd rather you not, Adam." Tim says while eyeing the other kids.

"Well, c..can I go to Patches house to play?" Adam ask giving Tim his puppy dog eyes.

"K..Kit, Mmm pay Ad." Patches pouts and nods. "Peez."

Tim covers his eyes and chuckles. "Boy, they know how to work together don't they."

"And they're laying it on thick too." Kirstie laughs. She takes out a piece of paper and writes something down. "Here's my address. Maybe when your girlfriend gets off of work, y'all can stop by and let the boys get to know each a little better."

"Emily Maldonado" The nurse called out.

"That's us." Kirstie says, as she leans over to pick up Emily. "Come on, Sweetie." She says to Patches.

"Are you kidding me?" Tim ask while looking at her address. "We literally live on the very same road."

"Yay, we can be bestest fwiends, Patches." Adam claps.

Patches giggles and covers his mouth.



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