Chapter 8

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"Isn't there a little store right down the street?" Kirstie ask.

"Yea there is. Just right down there." Kevin answered pointing.

"Would you like a coke and a candy bar?" She asked Patches.

He nods several times and claps excitedly.

She pats him on the leg, "I'll go get you guys one." She says getting up.

After she walks off Kevin turns to Patches, "Hey, I'm gonna go behind the dumpster in the alley and pee. I'll be right back."

Patches nods and watches as Kevin walks away. He looks up the street in the direction Kirstie had gone. He looks to make sure that Kevin was out of sight, he then jumps up and runs after Kirstie.

He walks up to the door, he peeks through the window and sees her inside. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, he slowly opened the door and walked in.

Kirstie was in the candy aisle picking out a bunch of candy bars for Kevin and Patches.

Suddenly she hears the store owner. "PATCHES!! GET YOUR NASTY ASS OUT OF MY STORE!!!"

She jumps and looks up to see a very frighten Patches back up against the door.

As the owner walks toward him, he turns and tries to open the door but can't get it open.

He grabs Patches by the back of his shirt, pointing to the sign. "IT SAYS 'PULL'! CAN'T YOU READ DUMB ASS!!!"

"HEY!!" Kirstie yells as the other customers just stares and whispers.

The owner opens the door shoving Patches out to the street causing him to fall on his hands and knees.

Kirstie throws down the candy and runs for the door, "PATCHES!! WAIT!!" she yells. 

But he gets up and runs back in the direction of Kevin who is frantically looking for him.

"HEY! do you want this stuff?" The owner ask.

"OH, CRAM IT UP YOUR ASS!" She yells at him as she runs out of the door after Patches.

Patches runs pass Kevin with Kirstie close behind. "Patches, where have you been? Where are yall going?" Kevin ask running after them.

They follow Patches into the alley to find him sitting on the ground. He's rocking back and forth smacking himself on the head.

Kirstie kneels down in front of him grabbing his hands, "Sweetie Stop it!"

He hangs his head and starts crying uncontrollably. She pulls him to her into a hug. Kevin stoops down rubbing him on the back trying to help calm his little friend.

"You wanna tell me what happen?" Kevin ask Kirstie.

She shakes her head, "The owner of the store was being a real dick head. He said some really cruel things to him."

She could see anger come across Kevin's worried face. He starts to get up only to have his arm grab by Kirstie.

"No Kevin, Don't." She says, "He would just love to have one of you guys arrested. You definitely don't need to be arrested."

Patches slips his arms around her neck burying his face into her neck. His silent cries was ripping her heart out.

"Kevin, how would you like to sleep in a nice soft bed tonight?" Kirstie ask.

"What are you talking about?" Kevin asked.

She lays her cheek on Patches head. "Hey Patches? You guys want to come home with me tonight?"

He nods his head, pulling her into a tighter hug.


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**  AMERICA!!  **

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