Chapter 63

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"So are you staying here with Kevin tonight?" Scott asked after the doctor had left.

"Well, I'd like to." Kirstie said glancing around at Patches.

"Why don't you let us take Patches home with us and he can spend the night. That way you won't have to worry about him." Mitch suggested.

"Naaa, Mit. K..Keb." Patches said shaking his head, pointing to his eyes.

"What's he saying?" Scott asked.

"He's saying he doesn't want to go because he wants to see Kevin." Kirstie said then turns to Little Bits. "Baby, I wouldn't dream of not letting you see Kevin. Then you can go spend the night with Scott and Mitch."

"Mmmm Keb." Patches nods, pointing again to his eyes.

"We'll go see Kevin and then we'll go to our house and order some pizza. How does that sound?" Mitch smiles, tugging lightly on Patches long hair. 

Patches nods with a smile at the sound of pizza.


Kirstie opens the door to Kevin's room. He looks around and smiles.

"KEB!!" Patches yells as he runs to hug Kevin, laying his head down on Kevin's chest.

"Honey, Be careful." Kirstie warns.

"Oh no, he's fine." Kevin chuckles as he hugs his little buddy tightly, kissing him on top of the head.

"How are you feeling?" Kirstie ask, taking him by the hand.

"A little sore, but other than that I'm perfectly fine." Kevin smiled.

"K..KEB! OOOOO BEAD!!!!" Patches said very loudly, raising his head.

"Shhh, not so loud." Kevin chuckled.

"You scared him, Kevin. He was worried about you. He came and got me when he couldn't get you awake." Kirstie said, rubbing Little Bits on his back.

"My little hero." Kevin said hugging Patches again.

After Scott, Mitch and Patches had left, Kirstie walked down to the cafeteria to get something to eat while Kevin took a nap. By the time she got back, he had woken up.

She began to tell him everything that had happened. Her phone signaled that she had a video message. It was from Scott. "Hey, Kit Kat. There's someone here that wants to talk to you."

Kirstie smiled thinking it was Patches missing her and Kevin.

**** Sign Language is in ITALICS ****

Scott turns the phone around and she sees him and she couldn't help but smile. But when he looked up at the camera, it was the soft green eyes of Patch.

"Hey, Beautiful." Patch signed. 

"Hey Gorgeous." Kirstie whispered to the phone, tears filling her eyes.

"Scott and Mitch told me what happened to Kevin. Please give him a hug for me and tell him that I love him and glad that he's alright. I love you." He smiled as you could hear Scott and Mitch's 'Awwws' in the background. Patch continued.

"I hope that everything is fine with you and Em. I miss you and I hope to see you in the morning." He blows her a kiss then the video ends.

"You don't have to stay here, you know. I'm a big boy." Kevin smiled. "Besides a pregnant woman shouldn't be sleeping in a chair. Call a cab and go to the Scomich house. Be with Patch cause you don't get to spend that much time with him"

"But Kevin...." Kirstie was cut off by Kevin raising a hand stopping her.

"I don't want to hear it. GO. I'll see you in the morning." Kevin said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Positive. Now get out of here." Kevin chuckled.



(((( AVI & TIM ))))

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