Chapter 4

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"You've got beautiful eyes, you know that? They're such a beautiful shade of green." Kirstie says, trying to get him to feel more comfortable with her.

He looks away almost as if he were embarrassed. Suddenly his eyes grow wide with excitement. He jumps up and starts running down the sidewalk.

"Wait a minute, Patches! Where are you going?" She shouts for him. She then sees Kevin walking up the sidewalk. She smiles in relief.

Patches runs up to Kevin grabbing him by the arm.

"Well hey there little buddy. What's got you so excited?" He chuckles as Patches pulls him back to where Kirstie is waiting. 

"Hello again." He says smiling at her. Patches grabs the McDonalds bag and shoves it into Kevin's chest. "What is this? Did you bring this? You didn't have to do this Kirstie. But I Thank-you."

"I know, but I wanted too." She says smiling at Patches excitement.

He squats down in front of Kevin watching him eat.

Kevin with a mouth full of fries looked at him, "Did you have any problems today?"

Patches drops his head then cuts his eyes over at Kirstie.

"Well, he was having a bit of a problem when I first got here. Some guy was trying to steal his beanie from him." She says.

Patches patted Kevin on the leg to get his attention. He points to Kirstie then up to the umbrella. He then swings his arms like he was swinging a baseball bat.

Kevin burst into laughter and looks at Kirstie, "You hit the guy with your umbrella?"

"Well, I couldn't let him steal Patches's beanie." She laughed.

"Old Charlie gave him that beanie right before he passed away. You'll never see him without it." Kevin said looking at the ragged beanie.

"Well I'm just glad I showed up when I did. The guy did hit him but I think he's O.K." She smiled as Patches rubbed the side of his head.

"Thank you so much for stopping by and checking on him. He has a lot of crap happen to him whenever I'm not here. He gets things stolen from him, he's gotten beaten up, Kirstie, he's even be..." Kevin was interrupted by a hand over his mouth and a glare from Patches.

Kevin reaches up and pulls Patches's hand away from his mouth, "She needs to know, Patches. She'a not gonna laugh or make fun of you. She's our friend."

"Honey, I wouldn't dream of making fun of you or laughing. Lord knows you've been through enough." Kirstie says rubbing him on his arm.

His glare shifts to Kirstie. He points at her and then to the street. He then points to himself and Kevin. He covers his eyes with one hand and points back at her.

Kirstie shakes her head, "I don't understand what he's trying to say."

Kevin shakes his head, "No she won't". Patches nods his head once, frowning at Kevin.

"What?" She ask confused.

"He thinks that if I tell you, that you would leave and we would never see you again." Kevin explained.

"No, No that's not true. Patches, honey look at me." She gently takes him by the chin and lifts his head. "Sweetie, you are gonna get sick of seeing me everyday." She laughs. "I might not be as early sometimes but I'll definitely be here. And maybe on my days off I can come and spend the whole day with you. Would you like that?"

He bites his lips and nods once.

She smiles at him, "I think you almost smiled, didn't you."

He shakes his head hard several times pouting his bottom lip.

Causing Kirstie and Kevin both to break out in laughter.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


**  AMERICA!!  **

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