Chapter 38

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Kirstie had gone to sleep with her head laying on Patches's hospital bed. Mitch had told her that he would get Alex to fill in for her and for her to stay with that baby.

She was awaken by someone brushing back her hair. She opened her eyes to be greeted by the beautiful green eyes of Patch. "Hey, Handsome." Leaning forward giving him a soft kiss on the lips.

He glances around the room and then back at her. He gives he a puzzled look and shrugs his shoulders.

"You're in the hospital." She said rubbing his cheek. "We found out the hard way that you are very allergic to bee stings. Little Bits got stung yesterday while trying to pick me some flowers. We almost lost you."

He raises up his hand that was still pretty swollen.

"Yea, it stung you on the finger. But you'll be able to go home this morning." She said rubbing a hand across his chest.

Patch looks around to see Kevin asleep in a chair. His mouth wide open and snoring very loudly. An evil smile creeps across his face. He pats Kirstie on the arm to get her attention. He picks up her phone that was laying on the table by the bed. He hands it to her then points to the sleeping Kevin.

She giggles and whispers. "Do you want me to take a picture of him?" He smiles and nods.

She takes a couple of pictures of him then turns her phone to video. She moves closer to make sure it's picking up the snoring. She could her Patch's low chuckle behind her causing her to giggle.

Kevin wakes up and stretches. He sees her with her phone. "Oh, come on y'all. That's not funny." He grumbled.

He looks at the laughing man in the hospital bed and realizes it's Patch. "Oh, so you think it's funny?"

Patch nods and gives Kirstie a high-five, laughing.

"You just wait. I'll get you back." Kevin warned.

The door opened up and the doctor walks in. 

"So how are we feeling today, Sweetie?" She ask, using a voice as if she were talking to a small child.

Patch smirks and looks at Kirstie, who is giggling at his expression.

"Oh, he's doing great." Kirstie said with a smile.

"I'll fix up the discharge papers and you can sign them at the front desk." She turns to Patch taking him by then chin. "You be careful next time. O.K., Hun."

Patch blushes but nods.

He could hear Kevin chuckling from his chair.

The doctor pats Patch on the head and that was more than Kevin could handle.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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