Chapter 39

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First of all, THANK -YOU so much for over 10,000 reads!!! OMG!! It blows me away! You guys are AWESOME!! I love you all.

** The end of this chapter might be considered a little fluffy.


Before leaving the hospital, the doctor gave Kirstie a prescription for epinephrine. She also showed Kirstie and Kevin how to give an injection if this ever happened again.

Patch was so glad to get home. He was so hungry. He slept through supper and they left the hospital before breakfast.

He went straight to the refrigerator to see if he could find some leftovers or something he could eat. Being this hungry reminded him of living on the street and he definitely didn't like those memories.

Kirstie walked up behind him, slipping her arms around his waist.

"What are you looking for, Baby?" She whispered, kissing his shoulder. He brings his hand up to his mouth. "That's right. You've not had anything to eat since yesterday morning. Do you want me to fix you a sandwich?"

He nods. He wasn't being picky, he just wanted something to eat.

"Kevin? I'm making Patch a sandwich. Do you want one?" She calls to Kevin in the living room.

"Yea, I could probably eat one. Then I'm gonna lay done for a while. Don't care to much for sleeping in a hospital chair." He chuckles.

"I hear ya." She said handing a sandwich to Patch.

Patch grabbed the sandwich and had taken three bites before even taking time to chew.

She giggles, "Bless your heart. You were hungry, weren't you." He nods while taking another bite.

After they had finished eating, Kevin headed for his room to take a nap.

"Honey, do you want to lay down with me?" Kirstie ask running a hand through Patch's hair.

He nods and follows her to the bedroom. They lay down and cuddle up closely together.

Patch lays his hand on her stomach and smiles. "Bay."

She smiles and lays her hand on his. "Our bay."

He leans in and kisses her passionately. She smiles into the kiss and whispers, "I love you, Patch."

He breaks the kiss and stares into her eyes. Their faces so close that she could still feel his beard rub her chin. She could tell that he was trying to form a word. She waited patiently.

"L...L...Lub....K..Kit" He finally managed to say softly.

She smiled rolling over on top of him, crashing her lips on his. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, pulling her body close to his. Heated passion quickly took over.

There was no teacher this time, nor was there a student. It wasn't f**king, or scr*wing. It was passionate love they were making. No words had to be said. No screaming. Only soft moans of pleasure.

Each knew just what to do to completely satisfy the other. As they reached their highs and climaxes were reached. Patch slowly relaxed laying down on her body. He breathed heavily on her neck as she ran her hands up and down his sweat covered back.

She has had several boyfriends and has had sex numerous times but none had felt so love filled as this. He had given her everything he had. He had poured out his feelings to her just now.

As they laid in the tangled sheets, they knew they were very much in love.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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