Chapter 51

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**  Maybe a DOUBLE UPDATE  **


Patch and Kirstie lay together in the tangled sheets. He had an arm around her, rubbing a thumb up and down her bare back. The other arm he had thrown over his eyes. Trying to let his body relax from the workout he had just put it through.

Kirstie had her head laying on his chest, smiling at his rapid heartbeat.

"I've got a couple of names picked out." She said as she played with the hair on his chest. She raises her head to see him peeking at her from under his arm.

"You tell me which one you like the best." She said. He smiles and nods, kissing her on the forehead.

"Samantha Taylor or Emily Rose?" She asked. (in this story, Kirstie's mother's name is Rose)

He thought for a moment. "E..Em" He said looking down at her.

"So you like Emily Rose?" She smiled.

"Em". He smiles and nods.

"Emily Rose Maldonado. Perfect." She smiled. But it made her sad that he didn't have a last name to give their daughter. "Baby, I know you probably don't have much time before Patches comes back. I promise, we won't work on the nursery until you come back."

He nods and points to himself. (meaning- I want to help do it)

They get up and put on their sleep clothes just in case he switches to Patches during the night. It would probably traumatize Little Bits if he were to wake up and find himself and Kirstie in bed together naked.

Kirstie wakes up the next morning to feel Patch snuggled to her back. She rolls over easily to keep from waking him. She smiles and rolls her eyes when she sees him sucking his thumb. It was not Patch but Patches.

She sighs. Brushing his hair out of his face and placing a light kiss on his forehead.

"Sweetie, I need to tell you something later. I just hope it goes well." She whispers. She quietly gets out of bed and goes down to the kitchen.

Kevin is sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee. "Good morning." He says with a smile.

"Good morning." She answers while fixing her some coffee. "Guess who's back?" She ask as she heads over to the table.

"My Roomie?" He ask with a big smile. She knew how much he missed Patches whenever he wasn't around.

"Yep, unless Patch has started sucking his thumb." She giggles.

A few minutes later, Patches comes shuffling into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"Well, Good morning, sleepy head." Kevin chuckles at his messy haired little buddy. "You want me to find you some cartoons, until we can get breakfast fixed.

Patches nods but the gasp when he looks at Kirstie.

"What's wrong, Sweetie?" She asked.

He leans over pointing at her neck. "S..s..sore?" He nods.

Kevin chuckles as Kirstie turns and gives him a puzzled look. "I think he's talking about that huge hickey on your neck. He thinks you're hurt."

Patches leans over giving her a sloppy kiss on the neck. "" he ask with a nod, patting her on the head.

"Yes Angel. It feels so much better now. Thank you so much." She giggles.

He hugs her and gives her a thumbs-up before turning and heading for the living room.



**  SLAAAYYYY!!  **

**  "We ain't going no where." (snapping fingers) Tim from The Sing Off  **

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