Chapter 28

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Kirstie finishes getting dressed, Patches gets up and also starts getting dressed. He's slowly trying to button his shirt when she opens the bedroom door to find Kevin standing there just about to knock. All three freezes in their tracks.

Kevin notices Patches's unbutton shirt and the nervous glances between the two. "You guys mind telling me what just went on in here?" Kevin asked. Patches looked down still attempting to button his shirt. 

Kevin glances pass them at the messed up bed. "Never mind, it's pretty obvious. ARE Y'ALL NUTS!! WHAT ABOUT LITTLE BITS!!??" He says, his voice beginning to raise.

"Kevin, he says he can feel when the change over is fixing to happen." Kirstie explains softly, hoping to calm Kevin down.

"Is that true?" Kevin ask sternly, looking at Patch.

Patches finally giving up on buttoning his shirt, runs a hand through his hair and nods.

"Well at least that's a good thing. I don't guess you thought about using protection?" Kevin ask.

Patches gives Kevin a confused look and then looked at Kirstie. {I have no idea what he's talking about}

"No, we didn't" Kirstie sighed.

"Oh great! That's just real great!" Kevin groaned running a hand over his face. "Kirst, what if you get pregnant? HUH!"

"And why would that be so bad?" Kirstie said.

"What about the baby's father?" Kevin asked.

"Patch would be it's father." Kirstie said beginning to raise her voice.

"Kirst look, he can't even button his own shirt. Now you tell me how he can help you take care of a baby when he can't even take care of himself." Kevin says angrily.

Patches whimpers and shoves Kevin. His eyes full of anger and hurt. {SHUT UP!}

"Patch, you know I love you. I've been with you for three years. I have taken care of you and the little one. I know, I shouldn't have said what I did and I am so sorry. I might have known something like this was bound to happen. I could tell from day one that you were attracted to her. I just wish y'all had been more careful." Kevin said rubbing down Patches unruly hair.

"Kevin, Please don't blame him. He didn't know." Kirstie said rubbing Patch on the back.

"Yea, I know. I'm sorry Buddy, I really am." Kevin said kissing Patches on the forehead. "But next time, wrap it up."

Kirstie laughs as Patches gives them both a confused look. {Wrap what up?}

Kevin heads toward the kitchen to start supper.

Patches points to himself then to the bathroom.

Kirstie smiles, "O.K., I'll go help Kevin." He nods and gives her a kiss as she finishes buttoning up his shirt.

He walks into the bathroom, closes and locks the door. He uses the bathroom and as he turns around to the sink he begins to get dizzy. He grabs onto the sink, he whines and shakes his head as his vision begins to blur.

"So what are we fixing?" Kirstie ask as she walks into the kitchen.

"WE, are fixing fried chicken, mashed potatoes and mac and cheese." Kevin laughed.


They both jumped looking toward the bathroom.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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