Chapter 55

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**The next two chapters, I will be rushing Patch/Patches switch over so that I can get their Christmas done with. So bear with me. I'll get it back on schedule after they both celebrate Christmas. **


                 *** CHRISTMAS EVE ***

Kirstie woke up with an arm wrapped tightly around her waist. She knew she had tucked Patches in last night in his bed and read him a bedtime story.

Her mind was not fully awake and she was about to panic. That was until she felt the tickle of a familiar beard on her neck along with light kisses.

She smiled and rolled over to face her attacker. Smiling green eyes stared at her. She snuggled up to him as he hugged her tightly.

"Today is Christmas Eve." She said smiling at him. He gave a slight shrug of his shoulders. "I know you don't have a clue what it is but it will be loads of fun." She said giving him a kiss. "We got a lot to do today. I gotta get stocking stuffers and pick up a couple more presents that I had ordered."

"T..tar?" He asked.

"I had Kevin put it in the closet to keep it safe." She said running a finger along his jaw.

"L..L..Les?" He said quietly, shaking his head a little. Irritated.

"Les? You mean lesson? Do you want to go for a guitar lesson today?" She ask smiling.

He nods quickly and smiles.

"I guess we need to get up and get going then." She giggles giving him a light smack on the stomach. "You wanna take a shower?"

Again nodding quickly and wiggled his eye brows.

She giggled and grabbed his hand. "Let's go."


Kirstie was putting on a little bit of make-up when Patch came out of the bathroom fully dressed. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white buttoned up shirt and a black leather jacket. He had fixed his hair into a man bun. 

"Oh my God." Kirstie whispered. As she took in the sight of the gorgeous man in front of her.

Patch smiled shyly and hung his head.

She walks up to him and wraps her arms around his neck. "I love your hair fixed like that. You are absolutely gorgeous."

He chuckles and shakes his head no.

"Yes you are, and don't you dare think otherwise. Are you ready to go?" She ask giving him a soft kiss.

He nods and goes to get his guitar.


They walk into the music store, Blake looks up and smiles. "Hey Patch. You here for a lesson?" Patch nods. "Dierks, can you watch the front? I got a lesson to give." Blake says putting an arm around Patch's shoulder.

Kirstie starts to follow them but Patch stops her. He points to the door telling her to leave.

"You don't want me to stay?" She said giving him a shocked look. He smiles and shakes his head.

"He's a grown man, Kirstie. He'll be fine. He'll be done in about an hour." Blake chuckles.

"Well alright. I got a few errands to run. So an hour it is." She gives Patch a quick kiss before leaving.

She goes to pick up Little Bit's last gift, then runs it by Scott and Mitch's house to keep it a secret. She stopped by a grocery store and got apples, oranges and candy to fill the stockings. She got back to the music store early while Blake and Patch were still busy with their lesson.

Dierks slipped her the gifts that she had ordered for Patch. She carried them out to the car and as she came back inside Blake and Patches were coming out of the back room.

"Hey Kirstie, I was telling Patch that I have a friend who teaches sign language if ya'll are interested. I know Patch tends to get frustrated with himself trying to communicate. He seemed really interested in it." Blake said writing down the name and number, handing it to Kirstie.

They left the store and headed home. It would soon be time to open gifts. They would have to wait on Patches to show back up before he could open his.

Soon it was time to open gifts. Scott and Mitch stopped by to drop off the presents they had bought. They had a Christmas party to go to so couldn't stay.

Kirstie unwrapped the present they had brought before they had to leave. It was a beautiful crib for Emily. They had gotten Kevin and Patch both beautiful jackets. Kirstie had gotten both Scott and Mitch beautiful necklaces. Scott's with Mitch's name engraved and Mitch with Scott's name.

From Kirstie. Patch got a guitar case, a leather guitar strap with his name craved on it, a box of personalized guitar picks and a beautiful long winter coat.

From Kirstie. Kevin got the entire collection of Stephen King books in hard back, a winter coat with scarf and gloves, a cap with K.O. on it.

Kevin surprised Kirstie with a picture of her and Patch in a gorgeous frame. She had her hands laying on his chest, he had his arms around her waist and they were smiling at each other.

"This is beautiful, Kevin. Thank-you so much." She said hugging his neck. She turned around to show Patch and noticed that he had already put the strap on his guitar and was strumming the guitar. He smiles at the picture and nods a thank you to Kevin.

He turns to Kirstie. "S..Sin." He said nodding at her.

"Sing? You want me to sing." She smiled.

"G..G..Gra." He shakes his head, irritated because he couldn't say the word.

"Gravity? Are you gonna play?" She ask.

He did some hand motions that she wasn't to sure of and looked at Kevin.

"He said this was his Christmas present to you." Kevin smiled.


The next chapter will be Christmas with Patches.


**  NAILED IT!!  **

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