Chapter 44

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Time had passed quickly and the day of Kirstie's doctor appointment had arrived. The day of the ultra sound. The day she would find out what her and Patch's baby would be.

She was so thrilled to be woke up by Patch lying beside her this morning giving her tender kisses.

She still hasn't told Little Bits yet that she was going to have a baby. Her and Kevin wasn't quite sure how he was gonna take the news. Whether he even had the mind to understand what they were talking about.

As they got ready to go to the doctors, she could tell that Patch was so excited. He had the biggest smile on his face.

They got to the doctor's office and as they walked into the waiting room, they saw several pregnant ladies sitting around. Patch sat beside Kirstie and looked around at the ladies with the huge bellies.

He looked around at Kirstie's, her's was no where near as big as the others. He reaches over and rubs her stomach then glances at the lady sitting in front of them. She was at least 8 months along. 

Kirstie smiled, placing her hand on his. She leans toward him and whispers, "Don't worry. It will get that big." He smirks at her and gives her a light kiss.

"Kirstin Maldonado." A nurse calls out. Kirstie stands up taking Patch by the hand and followed the nurse. "Well, this is it." Kirstie whispers to him.

She goes into the room, gets ready, then lays down on the table.  The door opens and the doctor comes walking in.

"Well Kirstin, today is the day. Oh is this Patch?" Dr. Cameron ask. Kirstie had already told her about him.

"Yep, this is him." Kirstie smiles at him.

"Very handsome." She smiles and winks at Kirstie as she put the device on Kirstie's stomach and watches the monitor. "There's your baby."

Kirstie grins happily as she looks at the screen. She looks around at Patch. He had a very confused look on his face. She could tell that he had no idea what he was looking at.

"Dr. Cameron, could you show Patch what you're looking at. I'm pretty sure he doesn't see it." She giggles as Patch shakes his head no.

Dr. Cameron laughs as she starts pointing things out to Patch. "Do you know what you have here?"

"B...Bay." He says quietly with a nod.

The doctor giggles, "Yes, Patch it is a baby. A baby girl."

"A baby girl?" Kirstie ask with tears in her eyes.

"Mhmmm, a baby girl. There is definitely no little ding-a-ling." Dr. Cameron laughs.

Kirstie grabs Patch by the hand. "Did you hear that Sweetie? We're going to have a daughter."

He smiles at her and gently rubs her stomach. "Bay g..g..gir."


Had writers block but finally came up with something. Hope you enjoy.


**  AMERICA!!  **

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