Chapter 13

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Kirstie handed Kevin a towel. "Patches, Kevin's gonna help you dry off and you can put on this t-shirt and jogging pants. When you're done just come to the bedroom and I'll brush your hair out.

Patches nodded. He was beginning to shiver. The water had gotten cold.

He walked into the bedroom a few minutes later, he was wearing the jogging pants and t-shirt she had given him. They were a perfect fit. Kevin had put a towel around his shoulders to keep his damp hair from getting his shirt wet.

She had him sit down in front of the mirror and then towel dried his hair.

"O.K., let's get started. Your hair is full of tangles so it might pull a little bit. If it hurts I'm sorry. I try to be as easy as I can." She said looking at him in the mirror.

He nodded. She got to working on it. It was bad, every now and then he would make a face whenever she pulled his hair. She would almost get tickled at him.

"Can I ask you something?" She ask softly while she worked. He nodded.

"How old are you?" she ask.

He looked at her in the mirror and shrugged his shoulders.

"You don't know how old you are? What about your birthday?" She was just trying to find out anything she could about the mystery man in front of her.

But again he shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. 'That is so sad' she thought.

"Well, do you know your name?" She ask.

He gives her a confused look and nods his head. Now we're getting some where.

"That's great! What is your name?" Kirstie said.

He turns his head and looks at her like she had grown two heads. He begins to look around and then points to her bed. She looks around and notices a patchwork quilt laying on her bed.

"Patches." She says smiles and he nods.

She finally manage to get all the tangles out of his hair and it was beautiful. She looked at him in the mirror and he didn't even look like the same man that had first walked into her house.

"Wow, sweetie, look how handsome you are." She said rubbing him on the back of his head.

Patches stares at himself in the mirror. He slowly runs his hand through his hair. And then lightly touches his trimmed beard.

He reaches up and lightly pats her hand that is on his shoulder to get her attention. She looks down at him, he brings his hand up to his mouth.

"O.K., a deal is a deal." She smiles. "Spaghetti and meatballs it is."

He claps and gets up to follow her.

As they go out into the hallway, they meet Kevin. All showered, shaved and clean clothes on.

"Well, don't we look handsome." She laughed popping him in the stomach.

"I feel 100% better." He laughed. 

He then looks at Patches. "Well, who is this and where is Patches?"

Patches gave him a confused look. He reaches up and touches Kevin on the arm and then pats himself on the chest.

"No, there ain't no way you are Patches. He has really wild hair and a grown out beard." Kevin teased him.

Patches pats his chest a little harder.

Kevin laughs and gives him a hug. "I know who you are, Patches. I was just picking at you. You looking good, Bro."

"Well, Mr. Patches says that he is hungry so I'm gonna go start supper." Kirstie says heading to the kitchen.

"Hey, Kirstie, You mind if I watch some T.V., it's been awhile." Kevin ask.

"No, of course not, Kevin. I want you guys to feel at home here." Kirstie said from the kitchen.

Patches was sitting on the floor leaning back against the couch. He was looking around at all the pretty things she had hanging on the walls.

Suddenly he heard talking coming from a flat box hanging on the wall and he saw little people inside the box. He slowly starts to get up staring at the box.

"Kirstie? Come here quick." Kirstie heard Kevin call from the living room. She walks in to see Kevin point at Patches.

He was walking slowly up to the television. He very slowly reaches up and touches the screen.

"Has he never seen a T.V. before?" Kirstie whispered. Kevin shakes his head no.

She almost giggled when he tried to look in behind the television. He had such a confused look on his face.

He looked back at the screen, there was a McDonald's commercial on.

Kevin burst into laughter when Patches tried to reach for the Chicken McNuggets.


I had some free time so I thought I would try to update a few.

So Patches discovered television. LOL!!

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**  AMERICA!!  **

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