Chapter 3

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The whole way home Kirstie could not get her mind off of Patches and Kevin. Were they O.K.? It had to be scary sleeping on the streets at night. Not knowing what kind of lunatic was wondering around that got a kick out of killing. After all this is New York. (no offense to any New Yorkers)

She would love to get them to her apartment and fix them a decent meal. And maybe let them clean up some. Kevin wasn't really that bad but poor Patches looked as if he had never seen a shower or bathtub.

But how was she going to be able to get them to her place? The cabbie's didn't want a smelly homeless person in their cabs. Maybe she could talk Mario, her favorite cabby, into doing it for her. Maybe a big tip would do the trick.

The next morning she got ready to go to the station. She has to grab her umbrella because it was beginning to sprinkle. The forecast called for rain today. Her first thought was of her two new friends. Would they be able to find a dry place.

The few hours at the radio station seemed like twelve instead of just five. Mitch could tell her mind was elsewhere today. Then when Scott came in, she didn't stand around and chat like usual. She was in a hurry to leave. She had promise Kevin that she would check on Patches.

There was a McDonalds near the station so she went and ordered two Big Mac value meals. Super sized everything.

Unfortunately Mario was not her driver today. She had his number so she would just call him later. Her cabby thought she was crazy when she ask him to take her to Skid Row.

As she was getting out of the cab, she notice a man in shabby clothes walk up to Patches, who was sitting in his usual spot. The man grabbed the beanie off his head.

Patches manage to grab the beanie and was trying to keep the guy from stealing it. The man slapped him up side the head trying to make him let go. "GIVE IT TO ME, PATCHES!!" The man yelled at him. But there was no way Patches was losing his beanie.

He was about to lose his grip when an umbrella came crashing down on the thief's shoulder, causing him to turn a loose of the beanie and run.

Patches was pulling with such force that when the thief let go, he fell to the sidewalk on his back. He scooted back against the wall and looked up through the misty rain to see who had come to his rescue.

There stood Kirstie with umbrella in hand. She stooped down in front of him. "Patches, Sweetie, are you O.K.?" She said pushing his rain soaked hair out of his face.

He held the beanie close to his chest and nodded once. She smiled at him as he slipped the wet ragged beanie back on his head.

"You hungry? I got you and Kevin something from McDonalds." She said holding up the bag. He straightened up and looked at her and then the bag.

She laughed as she was trying to open the bag , he was trying to look inside at the same time. Almost butting heads.

She finally manage to pull a Big Mac from the bag and handed it to him. He grabbed the box, opened it and grab the burger shoving it into his mouth.

"Bless your heart. No telling when the last time you ate was. Look I have you some fries and a drink too." She said taking them out of the bag.

He looked at her with excitement. He reaches up, grabs a hand full of fries and shoved them in his mouth.

"You need to slow down, you're gonna get choked." She laughed.

He looked at her with a mouth full of fries. He grabs his garbage bag and lays it beside him and pats it. She figured that was his way of telling her to have a seat.

She sit down and opened her umbrella to keep the rain off them. She was holding his drink since he didn't have a free hand. He would lean over every now and then to take a drink.

After he had finished, he was licking the sauce off his fingers. She grabs a napkin out of the bag.

"Patches look at me, you're a mess." She gently takes him by the chin wiping the sauce and crumbs from his beard. 

After she finished cleaning his beard, he grabbed her into a hug. Shocking her at first, She hugged him rubbing him on his back which was soaked from the rain.

She pulled away from the hug and gently tugged on his beard, "You're welcome."


Hope you enjoyed Chapter 3.

Please leave your Comments to let me know what you think of my story. And if you liked it PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!!!

**  AMERICA!!  **

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