Chapter 18

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Would like to throw out a THANK-YOU to elianaram456 for giving me this idea.  :)

Patches dream may be a little triggering for some. Be ADVISED!!!


Kirstie knew one thing she needed to do. Go shopping!! She needed to get Kevin and Patches some more clothes. Patches still had no shoes. The shoes that her brother had left were about two sizes to big. But she needed Kevin with her when they went. 

If he didn't have community service tomorrow, they would spend the day shopping. That should be very entertaining, with Patches.

But today, she had to find something for her and Patches to do. She decided on a movie marathon.

"Do you like popcorn?" She ask him getting a bag out of the cabinet. He shrugs his shoulders.

"You're gonna love it." She said putting the bag in the microwave.

Patches walks up to the microwave curiously watching the bag going around in circles. Kirstie stood back smiling watching him. He started to hear popping and the bag got bigger. So did his eyes. When the microwave dinged, he jumped back. Kirstie giggled shaking her head.

She opened up the bag and Patches leaned over and smelled of it. He nods and smiles.

"O.K., go sit down and I'll bring the popcorn and some drinks." She said while pouring the popcorn into a bowl. Patches claps excitedly and runs to the living room.

She finally manage to get him to sit on the couch beside her, instead of the floor. She found out very quickly that Patches loved popcorn. She also discovered that he loved the movie 'Lord Of The Ring'. They spent the whole day together, watching movies and snacking.

Kevin had called to let her know that he was going to be working late. It would finish up his hours of community service. She was so happy for him.

It started getting late, she could tell that Patches was beginning to get sleepy. He had cuddled up next to her and had laid his head over on her shoulder.

"You getting sleepy?" She ask him and he nods. "Well come on, I fix your pallet so you can go to bed." She had given Kevin a spare key, so she locked the door, tucked Patches in bed then headed to bed herself.



    I was walking down the street. There was no one around, which was weird. No cars. Nothing. I couldn't find Kevin or beautiful Kirstie. They were gone.
    I walked by an alley and an arm reached out and grabbed me by the hair, pulling me into the dark alley. I was so scared. It was so dark, I couldn't see anything.
    Someone started to rip off my clothes. I tried to scream but couldn't. Please don't let this happen again. Then there were people walking by but no one would help me. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!
    He pinned me down to the ground with his body. I couldn't move. He told me that he would kill me if I moved.


Patches sat up covered with sweat, tears streaming down his face. He looked for Kevin but he hadn't got home yet. He grabbed his blanket, he needed Kirstie. He ran to her bedroom throwing open the door, waking her up.

She set up to see a terrified Patches running toward her bed. He climbed into bed next to her, grabbing her tightly. He was trembling with fear.

"Oh my God! Patches, Sweetie, What's wrong?" She ask wrapping her arms around him.

He was sobbing so hard. His head was laying on her chest and he gripped on to her t-shirt as if something was going to try and pull him away from her.

"Shhhhh, baby, it's O.K." She whispered running her hand through his hair. "Did you have a bad dream?"

He nods still sobbing heavily.

Brushing his hair back and kissing him on the forehead. "It's O.K., now. I'm not ever gonna let anybody ever hurt you again. Shhh."

He raises up wiping his eyes. He pats her on the arm even though she was already looking at him.

"What is it Angel?" She ask him smiling.

He points at himself then to the bed beside her.

"You want to sleep with me?" She ask.

He nods still wiping the tears running down his face.

"Well of course you can." She said pulling down the covers.

He crawls into the bed beside her, cuddling closely still trembling. He lays his head on her shoulder and let's out a shaky breath.

She turns her head and wipes a few tears from his cheeks and kisses him on the nose. 

He cuddles his face into her neck and gives her a soft non-sloppy kiss, before drifting off to sleep.


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**  AMERICA!!  **

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