Chapter 48

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** I had ask for some ideas, and got some very good ones. I'm giving a shout out to 12emily33. A little bit of this idea came from her. Thank-you. **


Patches went back to playing with his truck. Mitch and Kirstie went back to unpacking.

"So, have you told him about the baby yet?" Mitch asked, handing her some dishes from a box.

"No, not yet. I really need to though, before I get to showing some. I just don't know how he's going to react." She said as she watched him play in the yard.

"Just don't tell him that he's not the baby any more. That would break his heart and might cause him to resent the baby. Let him know that he's still your baby boy." Mitch said while unwrapping glasses.

"That's genius, Mitch. I could tell him that he's gonna have a little sister. And that he's gonna be her big brother." She said smiling. 

Kirstie looked out the window to see Patches on his knees with his hands over his ears. "I'll be right back." She tells Mitch as she heads for the back door.

"Patches?" She calls for him but doesn't get any response.  She slowly walks up to him and squats down beside him.

"Sweetie? What's wrong?" She said taking him by the chin.

He looks up at her and gives a slight moan. He squeezes his eyes shut then after about a minute his face relaxes and he sighs.

"Patch?" She ask.

He opens his eyes and gives her a slight smile.

She hugs his neck and whispers. "Hey there, Sweet thing." He hugs her back and kisses her on the cheek. "Are you through playing?" She ask with a giggle, looking down at the truck.

He picks up the truck and hands it to her with a nod and a shy smile.

"Come on, we just got through moving and now we're unpacking. You can help." She said taking him by the hand.

He nods and gets up from the ground. She leaves the truck on the back porch for Patches. She leads him upstairs to Kevin and Scott.

"I brought ya'll some help." She said with a smile.

Kevin, thinking Patches was beginning to get on Kirstie's nerves, patted the floor beside him. 

"Patches, come over here and sit down beside me, before you get into trouble." Kevin chuckles.

Patch sat down beside Kevin and patted him on the arm.

"Mmm P..P.Pat. (meaning: I'm Patch.)" He said pointing to himself.

"Well, Welcome back buddy." Kevin smiles.

"Hey Patch? Can you hand me a screw driver?" Scott said, pointing to the tool box that was next to Patch.

Patch looks at all the tools in the tool box and picks up a wrench, and hands it to Scott.

"No, The screw driver." Scott repeats while trying to hold up one of the headboards to one of the beds.

Patch lays down the wrench and picks up a hammer and hands it to Scott.

No Patch. That's a hammer. I. Said. Screw. Driver. It's laying right there." Scott pointed sounding clearly aggravated.

"Scott." Kevin said before getting interrupted by Patch throwing down the hammer.

He jumps up and grabs the tool box, turning it over dumping all the tools on the floor. "ARGHHH!!!" He yells as he runs out of the room.

"Patch! Wait!" Kevin yells.

"What did I do?" Scott asked confused.

"Scott, he doesn't know what a screw driver is." Kevin said shaking his head.

Kirstie starts upstairs to see if any of the guys wanted something to drink. As she passed by one of the bedrooms, she saw Patch sitting on the floor leaning against the wall. He was wiping his eyes from crying.

"Hey." She said softly, sitting down in front of him. "What's wrong, Sweetheart?"

He shakes his head.

"Then why are you crying." She ask, wiping his tears.

He looks up at her, his eyes full of sadness. He points to himself and says.

"Mmm  d..dum." (meaning: I'm dumb)



**  ROCK & ROLL!!  **

"Come to find out, I don't know how to spell Nae Nae. Luckily Google does." Story Time with Tim  Whip/ Nae Nae

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