Chapter 10

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Mario pulls up and blows his horn to get their attention. Kevin gets in and scoots over to the far side saying hello to Mario as he did. Patches stops and looks inside the car. He had never even been inside a car his entire life so he was a little nervous.

Kevin motions for him, "It's O.K., come on. Sit right here." He says patting the seat beside him.

Patches slowly gets into the car. Kirstie gets in and sits beside him, patting him on the leg to let him know everything was alright.

"So how's everybody doing today?" Mario says as he pulls back into traffic.

"Pretty good I guess. Patches had some trouble with the store owner this afternoon. The guy said some pretty hateful things." Kirstie told him.

"Well that ain't gonna work." Mario said. "You want me to kick his ass for you, Patches?"

Patches nods as he leans over on Kirstie's lap looking out the window at all the tall skyscrapers.

Kirstie absentmindedly starts playing with his hair. It was so dirty and full of tangles. She couldn't wait to see how pretty it would be clean and combed.

Soon they pull up to her house. She pays Mario then the three of them gets out of the cab. She motions Kevin and Patches. She unlocks the door and opens it for the two men to enter.

"Wow, this is nice Kirstie." Kevin says looking around.

"Why thank you. It's not that big but big enough. It's a two bedroom." Kirstie smiles.

Patches walked around with his mouth dropped in shock. He had never been in a house before. He was running his hand over everything.

"Patches, be careful or you'll break something." Kevin warned.

With Kevin's warning, Patches crosses his arms so he wouldn't be tempted to touch all the pretty things.

Kirstie went into the bedroom to see if she could find them something else to wear. She thought her dad and brother might have left something there. Luckily her dad was about Kevin's size and her brother was about Patches's size.

She turned around and almost ran into Patches who had followed her into the bedroom. He was looking around in amazement.

"Hey," Kirstie says taking his hands in hers, "You remember the promise you made me?"

He looks up toward the ceiling as if he were thinking. Then he looks at her biting his bottom lip and shook his head.

"Oh, I think you do remember, Mr. Patches. The promise you made me if I fixed you spaghetti with MEATBALLS?" She says raising her eyebrows at him.

He shakes his head again with a slight smile.

"Oh, Kevin." Kirstie calls, "Can you come in here and remind our sweet Mr. Patches of the deal me and him made." Her eyes connect with the green eyes of Patches in a stare down.

Kevin walks into the bedroom, "Oh you talking about him taking a bath for some spaghetti and meatballs?"

Patches tried to cover his mouth but Kevin was ready for him and grabbed his arms while laughing.

"Yep, that's the one." Kirstie laughed. "But, Uh, Kevin? I wouldn't be too quick to laugh, if I were you." She smirks.

"What?" Kevin asked not knowing whether or not to be scared of the little lady.

"Since Patches probably don't know the first thing about taking a bath or washing his hair and all, which I'm pretty sure he doesn't considering he's never had one. Guess who's gonna help him?" She says with her hands on her hips.

"WHAT?? WHY ME??" Kevin asked almost scared of the little human.

"Well, you don't expect me to do it do you? Patches is a man, a FULL GROWN MAN. Oh, and you can trim his beard while your at it." She smirks throwing him a bath towel.

"Well, O.K.", Kevin surrenders knowing he wasn't gonna win against her. "But there better be a whole lot of meatballs in that spaghetti."

Patches nods in agreement.


Poor Kevin  :(

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**  AMERICA!!  **

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