Chapter 69

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** O.K., I am jumping ahead several months on this story. Mainly because I get bored with long drawn out pregnancies in stories. So ENJOY!! **

** Sign Language will be in ITALICS. **


Emily Rose was due at any time. As much as Kirstie loved Little Bits, she prayed that Patch would be around at the time of his daughter's birth.

Patch held his beautiful girlfriend in his arms as they slept. He woke up and realized that something was not right. He felt something warm and wet in their bed.  He raised the covers up to see what it was.

His eyes widened in fear. He lifted a shaky hand to his mouth. "AAHHHHH! K..K..KITT!!!" He screamed.

Kirstie jumped awake by his scream. "Oh my God! Baby, what is wrong?!'

He scoots awake and points to the bed. Her eyes widen as she realizes what happen, just as a sharp pain hits her.

"Owww, Honey, go get Kevin." She whispers, trying not to panic.

"What is that?" He asked, with frightened eyes.

"My water broke. Go get Kevin, NOW!" Her voice raised in a mixture of panic and pain.

Patch jumped out of bed and ran to Kevin's bedroom.

"K..KEB! KEB!!" He shouted, shaking the sleeping man.

"Patch? What's wrong?" Kevin said, rubbing his eyes.

"K..KIT!! K.KIT!!" He yells while pointing toward their bedroom.

It took Kevin a second to wake up enough to realize what was going on. He noticed the watery mess on Patch's boxers.

"Oh, the baby?!" He asked, barely above a whisper. "BABY!!" Patch nods as Kevin jumps out of bed and he and Patch runs back to Kirstie's room.


Kirstie was sitting up on the side of the bed. She laughed at the two frightened men in front of her.

"First of all, Kevin. Don't panic. Second, you two need to go get some clothes on." She giggled.

Patch nods quickly and turns to his and Kirstie's shared closet. Kevin stands frozen. 

"Uh, Now Kevin." Kirstie smiles.

"Oh, Yea." Kevin turns and runs to his room.

Patch had already changed his boxers and slipped on some jeans. He had just put on a t-shirt when he saw Kirstie slowly getting up from the bed.

"Naaa, Naaa, Kit." He said holding his hand out telling her to stop.

"Honey, I'm fine. But I need to change clothes." She said, relieved that she hasn't had any more pains, YET.

He nods and grabs her a change of panties, some clean sleep pants and a t-shirt.

"Thank you, Sweetheart. Are you ready for this?" She giggles, rubbing her stomach.

He smiles nervously and nods. He helps her change clothes and helps her off the bed and start toward the bedroom door.

They meet Kevin in the hallway and he helps them down the stairs.

"Owww." She groans grabbing her stomach.

"AAhh." Patch screams.

She chuckles through the pain and rubs his cheek. "Honey, grab my bag, alright?"

Kirstie had packed an overnight bag and had it sitting by the door for when this time came.

Patch grabbed the bag and they helped her to the car. Kevin drove as Patch and Kirstie sat in the back seat.

"Kevin? Don't kill us alright?" She giggled as she tried to control her breathing.

"I'll try not too." He chuckled.

"Once we get to the hospital, you call Scott and Mitch. They wanted to know when I went into labor." She said and Kevin nodded.

She smiled as she looked up at Patch's panicked face. She runs a hand through his uncombed hair. "You stay with me. I want you there when she's born."

"I'll try my best. But I can't control it." Patch signs.

"I know, Sweetie." She said giving him a kiss.

They arrive SAFELY to the hospital. 

They carry Kirstie to Delivery and allowed Patch to go with her.

Kevin sat alone in the waiting room. He pulled out Kirstie's phone and quickly called Scott's phone.

"Hello." Scott mumbled into the phone.

"Scott, it's Kevin. We're at the hospital. Kirstie's gonna have the baby." Kevin said all in one breath.

"What? Huh, Wait. What! (he gasped) MITCH WAKE UP! KIRSTIE! BABY!!!!" Scott shouted in the phone before the call ends.

Scott and Mitch arrived in no time. They even brought Kevin coffee, which he needed badly.


In the Delivery room, the sound of a new born baby girl fills the room.

Patch and Kirstie cries as they hold one another.

The nurse hands the baby to an exhausted but smiling mother. Patch leans over and gently rubs his daughter's dark hair. Happy tears streaming down his face.

"Em." He said softly.




(((( TIM + AVI = TIVI ))))

(((( TIM + ADAM = TIDAM ))))

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