Chapter 64

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*** Sign language is in ITALICS!! ***


Kirstie arrived in front of Scott and Mitch's house. She paid the cab driver then walked up to the house. She was so excited to see Patch, she wanted to surprise him. She opened the door quietly but heard a lot of shouting coming from the living room.

"NO! NO NO! PATCH STOP IT!!! YOU'RE BEATING ME!!!!" Mitch was practically screaming.

"GO PATCH! GO!!" Scott yells.

Kirstie peeks into the living room, to see all three men sitting on the floor in front of the television, playing a video game.

She giggles and slips up behind them.

"What's going on guys?" Kirstie asked suddenly hoping to scare them but they didn't even flinch.

Their eyes were glued to the game.

"Patch is beating Mitch's butt in Super Mario." Scott laughs.

"Really?" Kirstie giggled sitting on the floor next to Patch. He leans over a bit pooching his lips out for a kiss without taking his eyes off the screen.

"He's been cheating." Mitch pouts.

"He hasn't been cheating. You just suck at this game." Scott laughed, going to the kitchen to get them all something to drink.

"Hey Kirst? I thought you were staying with Kevin tonight?" Scott asked coming back with a tray of drinks.

"Well, I was. But he made me leave, said he was a big boy and didn't need a babysitter." She said lowering her voice to mock Kevin. "Plus he knew Patch was here."

She leans over to kiss Patch's cheek, he smiles but continues to crush Mitch at the game.

"Hey guys, how about taking a break for some snacks?" Scott said heading back to the kitchen. Kirstie gets up to go help.

They bring back chips and several kinds of dip and different kinds of cookies.

Patch laughs as Mitch throws down his controller after getting beat for the third time.

"I give up." Mitch whines. 

Patch sits down beside Kirstie on the couch. He takes her by the hand and kisses the back of it.

"You having fun?" She asked.

He smiles and nods. "Those games are fun."

"He catches on super fast." Scott said.

"Oh, he's very smart. You seen how fast he learned the guitar and sign language." Kirstie said, sticking a chip in her mouth.

"Kirstie, are we spending the night?" Patch asked.

"We can, if you want too. If it's alright with the guys." Kirstie answered.

"Sure, it'll be great. We have an extra bedroom." Mitch said.

"Alright but we'll have to go get Kevin in the morning." Kirstie told him. 

"Is he gonna be alright?" Patch asked.

"Yea, he's gonna be fine. Just a little sore. It could have been a lot worse." Kirstie said. 

After snacks they decided to watch a movie. Scott got a couple of blankets and turned the lights down.

Patch and Kirstie sat on the couch together covered with a blanket. Patch had one arm around her, his other hand he had slightly under her shirt gently rubbing her pregnant belly. She glanced around at him to see his eyes beginning to close. His head slowly starts to go down until he jumps a little and opens his eyes for just a second, until they close again.

"Scott?" Kirstie whispers to keep from waking Patch.

Scott looks around and smiles at the sleeping man.

"Can you help him to bed?" She whispers.

"Sure. I'll get him, just go turn the covers down." Scott said getting up and walking over to the couch. He leans over and picks Patch up bridal style and follows Kirstie to the bedroom.

Kirstie quickly pulls the covers back and Scott gently lays him down. 

"Do you need help getting him undressed for bed?" Scott asked, knowing that she shouldn't be trying to raise Patch up or anything.

"If you don't mind." She said. "Just his pants maybe. He can sleep in his t-shirt. But his jeans may be uncomfortable."

Mitch had given her a t-shirt and sleep plants to change into. Once she laid down, she realized just how tired she was and went right off to sleep, snuggled up to Patch.

Sometime during the night, Patch woke her up tossing and turning. He was breathing heavily and was trying to say something.

"NAAAAA!!!!" He screams, sitting straight up in bed.

"Baby! Sweetheart, it's alright." Kirstie said grabbing him into a hug. He was breathing heavily and was sweating.

The door flew open and Scott and Mitch came running in.

"What's wrong?" Mitch asked.

"Is he alright?" Scott asked.

"Must have just been a nightmare."

"I saw it!!" Patch said looking at her with wide eyes.

"Saw what, Sweetie? What did you see?" She asked, brushing his hair back out of his face.

"Patches! I saw Patches getting raped. I couldn't help him." Patch said, with tears rolling down his face.



(((( AVI & TIM ))))

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