Chapter 74

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Patches had showed up that morning and was moping around the house, bored out of his mind. He didn't feel like coloring, watching tv or playing with his toys.

Kirstie sat at the kitchen table with Kevin enjoying some tea and just carrying on an idle conversation.

Patches walks in and sits down in her lap, laying his head on her shoulder.

"K..Kit, Mmm pay yar?" He asked softly.

"Yes, Baby. You can go out, but get you a jacket. It may be a little chilly." She said while brushing his hair back and kissing him on the forehead.

"K" He said getting up and running to the stairs.

"And take Mack with you!" She shouted.

"K!!" He shouted back from the stairs.

"You know he has to get lonely. He doesn't have anyone to play with." Kevin said.

"Yea, I know. He seems kind of sad today." Kirstie said while rubbing her arms.

"I think he's just bored. He's been shut up in this house all winter and he's not use to it. What's it call? Cabin Fever?" Kevin said looking around as Patches walked back into the kitchen with Mack following close behind.

"Come here, Buddy. Let me tie your shoes." Kevin said. Patches sat down in the floor, putting his foot up on Kevin's leg. "Kiddo, I think you got them on the wrong feet."

"Naaa." Patches shook his head. "Mmm peat."

Kevin laughed. "I know they're your feet. But this shoe goes on that foot." After he finished he patted Patches on the foot. "Go play. But stay in the yard. Understand."

"K." He said as he headed to the door. He turned around and pointed at Mack. "Mack say." (Mack stay)

Mack sat down as Patches ran back upstairs to get something.

Kirstie looked at Kevin in disbelief and pointed at the puppy. Kevin shrugged his shoulders.

Patches came back down the stairs carrying a small ball. "Moan Mack" (come on Mack) The puppy jumps up to follow him outside.

"STAY IN THE YARD!!" Kirstie yells.

"K!!" He yells back.

He played with Mack for a while pitching the ball and Mack would go get it and bring it back to him. That soon got tiring so he went to play on the tire swing while Mack explored the yard.

As he was swinging, he looked to the corner of the yard and seen some beautiful yellow spring flowers.

"Fowl." He whispered as he stop swinging.

He climbs down from the swing and runs over to the batch of flowers, falling down on his knees on the damp ground.

Mack runs up and sits down beside him.

Patches looks around at Mack and points to the flowers. "Fowl." He tells him, with a nod of the head.

The dog looks at the flowers then back at his owner.

"K..Kit fowl." He said softly as if he didn't want anyone to hear except for Mack. "Naaa dop." He said shaking his head, looking at Mack.

He started to reach for the flowers but pulled his hand back. "B..Bee?" He asked, looking at Mack.

Mack looked back at the flowers.

The weather was still rather chilly so there were no bees swarming around the pretty flowers.

Patches looked over the flowers then shook his head. "Naaa bee."

He began to carefully pick the flowers. He picked until he hand his hands full.

"K..Kit fowl." He whispered looking down at the beautiful bouquet in his hands. He gets up from the ground and starts to walk slowly to the house, careful not to drop any on the ground.

It was difficult to open the back door without dropping any of the flowers but he managed. He slowly walks into the kitchen as if he were afraid to damage his gift to Kirstie.

Kirstie was still sitting at the table looking through a recipe book.

"K...Kit?" He called to her as he walked toward the table.

"Yea, Baby." She said as she looked up. She gasped and put her hand over her mouth when she saw the bouquet he was holding. "Oh my God, Sweetheart. Those are beautiful." She said getting up from the table.

He holds them out to her and smiles proudly. "Naa dop." He tells her shaking his head. "Na..Naaa bee."

"Let me get a vase to put them in." She said looking into her cabinet. She puts the flowers in a vase and fills it with water, arranging them into a beautiful bouquet.

She leans over and smells the flowers's sweet perfume. "Oh, gosh. Smell them." She tells him.

Patches leans over and smells the flowers. He nods and smiles the most beautiful smile that Kirstie had ever seen. His eyes sparkled.

Kirstie pulls him into a tight hug. "Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers. I love them. And I love you sooo much." She pulls out of the hug, taking his chin in her hand. "I need you to promise me something, alright?" She asked. He nods his head. "When the weather gets warmer there will be bees on those flowers. You need to stay away from them, O.K.?" Kissing him on the nose.

He nods quickly. "B..Bee  h..hut."


** Mack is now a few months old and is a rather large puppy. :) **

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