Chapter 30

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Kevin runs to the kitchen. Kirstie grabs Patches by the hand and follows him.

"Oh, man." He says as he looks at his burnt chicken.

"Ooooo" Patches says as he points to the chicken. Kirstie reaches and gently takes him by the hand, afraid he would touch the hot chicken. Patches smiles and hangs his head.

"Are you laughing?" Kevin ask.

Kirstie covers her smile with her hand when she notices Patches shoulders shaking from giggling.

"I hope you know, this is your supper." Kevin says poking the burnt bird with a fork.

Patches looks up and snarls his nose and shakes his head. "Naaaa." He says pointing at the chicken again. {I not eat that.}

"I think pizza sounds good right now, don't you think." Kirstie says leaning next to Patches ear. He smiles and nods. {I like pizza}

"Yea, I guess pizza does sound pretty good." Kevin sighs.

Patches pouts and pats Kevin on the shoulder. {I sorry you burnt your chicken}

Kevin looks at him. "Oh, don't give me that fake pout. You'd rather have pizza anyway."

Patches smiles and nods.

"So what kind?" Kirstie ask picking up her phone.

"I like everything and Little Bits will take extra cheese." Kevin said cleaning up the mess in the kitchen.

Kirstie placed the order then came into the kitchen to help Kevin.

Patches laid down in the floor in the living room coloring in his coloring book.

About 30 minutes later the door bell rang.

"AAHHH!" He screams. Sitting up holding his color to his chest staring at the door.

Kirstie giggles as she walks into the living room. "Are you gonna scream every time someone comes to the door?"

He bites his bottom lip and nods. He gets up and walks to the door with her. She opens the door to the delivery guy.

"Hey, I know you. You're that homeless dude." The guy says.

"N... Naaa." Patches shakes his head and points to the floor. {No, I live here}

The guy smirks. "What's wrong with him?" He chuckles.

"HE. CAN'T. TALK. JERK!!" Kirstie raises her voice. She sticks the tip back in her pocket then slams the door in the guys face.

"Can you believe that stupid guy?" Kirstie said fuming with anger as she walks into the kitchen with Patches following.

"What happen?" Kevin ask setting the table. 

She set the pizzas down and told him what just happened.

"You better get use to it, there's a lot of cruel people in this world. Be careful, it's hot." He says as he gives Patches a slice of pizza.

"Well, if I hear anybody say something mean to him, I'm gonna punch them in the face. Ain't that right, Sweetie." She said looking at Patches.

He nods and holds up his fist. {Pop em' in the nose}

Patches pats her on the arm and points to a black olive on Kevin's pizza.

"Honey, that's a black olive. I really don't think you'll like it." Kirstie said but he nod's and whines pointing to it.

"O.K., but I'm telling you. You're not going to like it." She picks a black olive off the pizza and hands it to him.

He looks at it then puts it in his mouth. He takes about two chews then makes a face and shakes his head.

He leans over trying to spit it out on the table. Trying to push the olive out of his mouth with his tongue.

"Sweetie, you're making a mess." Kirstie says grabbing a napkin holding it up to his mouth. He spit the olive into the napkin.

Making a face, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

Kevin was laughing hysterically.

Patches looked angrily at Kevin. "N...NAAA!!" He yelled pointing at Kevin.  "NAAAA!! K..K...Ke...KEB!!!!"


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did PLEASE


**  AMERICA!!  **

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