Chapter 40

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** Did ya'll watch the Country Music Award show last night? Pentatonix looked AMAZING!!! They did an awesome job singing "Elvira", just wish they had sung the whole song. Scott did a great job and Avi nailed the "Omm Poppa Mow Mow"!!! Check it out! (posted above)


Both Kirstie and Patch had dozed off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms. She didn't know how long they had slept but when she woke up, she woke up alone.

She began to panic. Had Little Bits come back and seen himself and her naked? How was she to explain that?

She slipped on her panties, jogging pants and grabbed Patch's shirt that was still laying on the floor. She stepped out of her bedroom and the house was quiet. She went to Kevin's room, Patches probably went in there. She quietly opened the door and peeked in. Kevin was still asleep but no Patches.

She was really beginning to panic now. What if he had gotten the front door opened and went out on the streets with no clothes on.

As she passed by the bathroom, she heard water running. 'Oh Lord, he's playing in the water', she thought to herself. She opened the door slowly trying not to startle him.

She then realized it was the shower. She walked in to see Patch through the shower door. It had to still be him, there is no way Patches would ever attempt to take a shower.

"Patch?" She ask with a smile. He slowly opens the shower door a little and smiles at her. "You scared me. I thought Patches had came back and had gotten outside."

He shakes his head and motions her to join him.

"Are you sure it's safe? He's not going to pop up with us in the shower together?" She ask.

He motions for her again. She giggles and quickly undresses and steps into the shower. He quickly wraps her in his arms.

His wet hair hung in curls around his face and down on his shoulders. Water dripped from his beard. His body. Oh my God! The body of a Greek God.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pressed her against the wall, kissing her with such hunger. 

She had never been so turned on in her life. This was the first time she had ever had sex in the shower. It was simply.....words could not describe it.

Afterwards, they held on to one another, breathing heavily while the water washed over their bodies.

"Holy cow. For someone who is new at this, you really know your stuff." She giggled laying her head on his chest. He chuckles sending vibrations through his chest, making her smile.

She wrapped a towel around her and peeked out to make sure Kevin was no where in sight. She grabs Patch by the hand and they run to her bedroom. She quickly gets dressed then goes to Kevin's room to get Patch some clothes while he waits for her in her bedroom.

She quietly slips around the bedroom getting him some boxers, socks, jeans and a t-shirt. She couldn't help giggling a couple of times at Kevin's loud snoring.

She loved these two guys so much. Well, actually three. She couldn't forget Little Patches. She loved his innocence. His childlike behavior. He was so funny, even when he didn't mean to be. His little pouts and whimpers.

She was learning to deal with their split personality a whole lot better. It use to break her heart whenever Patch left. She felt like she would never see him again. But now she knows that he will be back. 

She walks into the bedroom to find Patch waiting, sitting on her bed. She laughs when he gives her a 'what took you so long look'.

"Did you think I got lost?" She laughed.

He nods and reaches for his clothes.

"I just had to listen to Kevin snore for awhile." She giggles.

She reaches up to pull his hair from under the collar of his t-shirt.

"I have to be the luckiest girl alive. I have you (kiss), we have our baby (kiss), we have Kevin, (kiss), and I also have Little Bits. (kiss) And I love you all so much."

He nods in understanding.

Patch holds up two fingers and points to himself. (meaning: we as in him and little Patches) He forms a heart with his hands and points to her.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did PLEASE VOTE & LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS. They mean so much to me.

**  AMERICA!!  **

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