Chapter 66

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*** Sign Language will be in ITALICS ***


They walked into the hospital room to find Kevin waiting impatiently on the bed.

"I was beginning to wonder if y'all had forgotten me." Kevin said with his arms crossed over his chest, smiling.

"Somebody, but I won't mention his name, didn't want to get out of bed this morning." Kirstie smirked, looking around at Patch.

Kevin looked around expecting to see Little Bits, but instead it was Patch. He should have realized the switch, when he wasn't attacked when they walked in. "Good morning, Patch."

Patch walked up to Kevin and hugged him. "K?" He whispered in Kevin's ear.

"Yea, I'm O.K." Kevin smiled as they pulled out of the hug.

Patch smiled and nodded.

"Are you ready to go?" Kirstie asked.

"I've been ready for an hour." Kevin complained, getting up from the bed.

"Don't give me no sass, Mr. Olusola. I'd hate to kick that sore butt of yours." Kirstie said with a smirk on her face.

"Please don't." Kevin chuckled.


They walk into the house and was greeted by a very happy Mack. Mack ran up to Patch, wagging his tail. He reached down petting the large puppy on the head. The puppy turned around and headed back upstairs to Patches's bedroom.

"I don't think he likes me very well." Patch said, watching the puppy head back upstairs.

"I think he can sense the difference between you and Patches." Kevin said, easing down into his claimed recliner.

"You guys hungry? I can fix some breakfast. Patch and I haven't had anything to eat this morning." Kirstie said heading to the kitchen.

"Yea, I'm pretty hungry myself. I left before they served breakfast." Kevin said, as he glanced around at Patch sitting quietly on the couch, deep in thought.

Kevin waited until Kirstie had left the room. He slowly got out of the recliner and went and sat down beside Patch.

"Hey Buddy, are you alright?" He asked with a concerned look.

"I had a bad dream last night." Patch told him.

"You want to talk about it?" Kevin asked rubbing the smaller man on the back.

"It was about Patches. Kevin, I watched him get raped. And there was nothing I could do to help." Patch said, looking at Kevin with frightened eyes.

Kevin pulled him into a hug. "That had to be horrible. But rest your mind, Patch. It'll never happen again. That was all in the past."

"Why am I like this? Why is there two of me?" Patch looks at Kevin with confusion in his eyes.

Kevin sighs with a shrug of his shoulders. "I don't know. I've always heard the statements 'the child in me' or 'the inner child'. Apparently somehow, you and the child in you, became separated and became two completely different individuals."

"I don't hate Patches." Patch said. "I love him. It just makes me sad that I can't protect him when he's getting hurt."

"I know how you feel. When we lived on the streets, as hard as I tried to protect you and him, I couldn't all the time. It would break my heart when I would come back and see the bruises. " Kevin said softly. "Can I ask you something? I understand if you don't want to answer."

Patch nods.

"Patch, were you ever raped?" Kevin asked with caution.

"No." Patch answer shaking his head. "It was always him. Maybe they were like Mack and could tell the difference."

"You know you could be right. They knew Patches was easier prey. You would had fought back more." Kevin said in thought.

"Oh, I definitely would had fought back." Patch said with a slight smile.

Kirstie wiped the tears from her eyes while listening from the doorway.

"Guys? Breakfast is ready." She smiled as they both jumped up from the couch. Well Patch jumped up and had to help a sore Kevin.



(((( TIM + Avi = TIVI ))))

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