Chapter 65

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*** Sign Language will be in ITALICS!! ***

*** Trigger Warning!!! Mention of Rape!!!


"Honey, it's was just a bad dream. It's alright." Kirstie said hugging Patch close to her.

"I saw it. I saw everything. It was a man and another man. They pulled him into the ally and started taking his clothes off. Whenever he tried to stop them, they would hit him. People was walking by, but no one would help him." Patch signed, wiping his tears.

"Shhhhh. Patches is fine now." She said kissing him on the temple.

"No, Kit. They were hurting him. They weren't like when you and I made love. I didn't hurt you. I was easy with you. They did it hard. One did it then the other did it. He was trying to push them off but they would laugh and hit him. He was so scared and he was crying. I couldn't help. I wanted to, but I couldn't." Patch said, laying his head down on Kirstie chest was crying heavy sobs.

"Oh, Baby." Kirstie said rubbing him on the head. She looks up at Scott and Mitch and shakes her head slightly. They both nodded then left the room.

"Honey, I know Patches was hurt in the past. But I promise you, it will never happen again. He is always with me or Kevin or sometimes Scott and Mitch. He's happy now." She kisses him on top of the head. "Shhh, don't cry."

She started to hum softly and gently started to rock. After a couple of minutes his crying had stopped and his breathing had become soft and even.

She laid him down gently to keep from waking him up. She kissed him on the forehead and wiped the tears that were still on his cheeks.

She laid back down and pulled the covers up around them. She stared at the ceiling and thought about what Patch had said. Her thoughts went back to Kevin telling her that Patches had gotten raped several times.

These men probably knew Patches, they knew he had the mind of a child. How could they do such a horrible thing to such a sweet innocent angel.

Morning came way too early. Kirstie felt as if she got hardly any sleep. She would give anything to curl up to Patch and go back to sleep. But she had to go pick up Kevin at the hospital.

"Hey, Babe." She whispered, gently shaking the sleeping man.

Patch groaned putting an arm over his head.

"I know, but we have to get up. We need to go get Kevin at the hospital." She said softly, pulling his arm down.

Patch shakes his head No.

She smiled. "You don't want to go get Kevin?"

He smiled and shook his head No again.

"Why?" She giggled.

He reaches up and pulls her down to him and snuggled his face in her neck and begins to nibble on her neck. His beard rubbing her neck sending chills down her spine.

"Hmmm." She hummed at the feeling. "Trust me, Gorgeous, I would rather do this too. But seriously, we need to get ready to go."

He huffed and rolled over on his back.

"Don't you huff at me." She said with a smirk. "You and Patches both have got a bad habit of huffing if you don't get your way. Well, it's not gonna work, Mr. Patch." She throws the covers back off of him.

He gasped, grabbing for the covers. He was only wearing his boxers and the colder air sent chills through him. "Co!"

"Well, get up and get your clothes on and you won't be cold." She laughed, getting out of bed. She gets his shirt that was laying in a chair and pitches to him, hitting him in the face.

He grunts and pulls the shirt off his face and gives her an angry glare.

"Uh, sorry." She giggles.

He sits up on the side of the bed and slowly began to put his shirt on.

She pouts and climbs on the bed behind him and wraps he arms around him, kissing his shoulder.

"I know you're tired, Sweetheart. We can lay back down after we get back home. Deal?" She said, resting her chin on his shoulder.

He nods then turns his head so he can give her a kiss.

She runs a hand through his wild hair. "You want me to see if I can find something to tie your hair back?" Patch liked his hair tied back where Little Bits didn't like it at all.

She went to ask Mitch if he had something, and of course they asked how Patch was and what had happened.

She figured they should know and promised to tell them later. She went back to the bedroom to find a fully dressed Patch. She tied his shoes while he worked on tying his hair back.

"Next thing on your list is to learn how to tie your on shoes." She smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles and nods.

"You ready?'" She ask and he answers with a nod. "Let's go get Kevin before he thinks we forgot about him."


(((( AVI & TIM ))))

Patchesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें