Chapter 43

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Kirstie walked down the hallway and noticed the bathroom door pushed to but not all the way. She knew Kevin was in the living room watching television.

She quietly peeked in, Patches was squatted on the floor in front of the toilet and on the toilet set his dragon. She giggled to herself then ran back to the living room.

"Kevin, come here and see this." She whispered.

Kevin followed her to the bathroom. She put her finger to her lips telling him to be quiet. They peeked in. Patches was pointing at his stuffed dragon.

"Dag....s..s..sit." He said.

"Is he saying sit or the other word?" Kirstie whispered.

"I don't know." Kevin shrugged.

Patches stood and picked up the dragon. He looked over in the toilet. He then set the dragon back down.

"D..Dag  sss..sit!" He ordered pointing again at the toy.

"Oh my God. He's trying to make his dragon use the bathroom." Kirstie giggled putting her hand over her mouth. "But where did he learn that word?"

"Not from me. I try not to cuss, especially around him." Kevin said. "His ears are like radars."

"You think he learned it from the t.v., I don't think Sponge Bob talks like that." She said with a smirk.

He unrolls a bunch of toilet paper then picks up the toy. He turns it over and starts wiping underneath.

"Baby." Kirstie giggles.

"AHAAA!!" He screams, dropping the toilet paper and hugging his toy.

"Sweetie, I didn't mean to scare you but what are you doing?" She ask as her and Kevin walks into the bathroom.

"Dag (shaking his head no) sss...sit." He points to the toilet.

"Little bits, where did you learn that word at?" Kevin ask.

He stared at them, biting his bottom lip.

"Honey, that's a bad word. You don't need to be saying that." Kirstie said.

He starts to pout as tears fills his eyes and he hangs head.

"Hey now, you're not in trouble. You didn't know it was a bad word." Kevin said, putting an arm around Patches shoulder.

"Sweetie, where did you hear that word at?" Kirstie ask, wiping a tear that had ran down his cheek.

He sniffs and points.

"Show me." Kirstie said.

He takes her by the hand and leads her to the living room and points to the television.

"He must have changed the channels or something. We always have it set on cartoons." Kevin said.

"From now on, you let us find you something to watch, alright Sweetie." Kirstie said rubbing him on the head.

Patches nods. "Sss...som  b..bit."

Kirstie's jaw drops.


Sorry it's a little short. But hope you enjoy it.


Stand Proud France!!

**  AMERICA!!  **

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