Chapter 24

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After supper, Kirstie got Patches interested in Sponge Bob while her and Kevin cleaned up the kitchen.

She had to tell Kevin about her and Patches. It was eating her up hiding it from him.

"Kevin, I need to talk to you about something." She said getting very nervous.

"Sure, What's up?" He said sitting down at the table.

"It's about Patches." She said sitting down.

"Oh Lord, What did he do now?" Kevin said shaking his head.

"Oh no, Little Patches hasn't done anything." She says peeking in at him to make sure he was still watching cartoons. "It's the man Patches, we sort of kissed." Kirstie said getting extremely nervous when Kevin covered his face with his hands. "Actually we did more than kiss. Kevin, he made love to me." She said with a shaky voice.

"Oh my God, Kirstie." Kevin moaned. "What were you thinking? What if Little Bits had came out right in the middle of you screwing. Do you realize what that could have done to him? I told you it was a bad idea for us to move in here."

"I know and I'm so sorry. I know we shouldn't have. But once we started we couldn't stop. I think I've fallen in love with him." She said with tears rolling down her face.

"Problem is, Kirstie, it's not just him, there is also a child in there. One with a heart of glass. Maybe we should move back out." Kevin said.

"Where? Back to the streets, where you guys were starving and Patches was getting beaten and raped. Are you crazy?" She said wiping her eyes.

"O.K., so that wouldn't be such a great idea. But I do NOT want Little Bit getting traumatized when he comes back out and find you giving him certain pleasures if you know what I mean." Kevin said sternly. "I love the little guy and will not see him hurt."

"Believe it or not, I love him too, Kevin" She said rubbing him on his arm.

Patches came walking into the kitchen, yawning and rubbing his eyes with his fist. He sits down in Kevin's lap and lays his head over on his shoulder.

"What's wrong Little Bits? You getting sleepy?" Kevin ask rubbing him on the back.

Patches nods and squirms around trying to get comfortable.

"Easy there." Kevin grunts. "you're not as little as your mind tells you that you are."

Kirstie laughs watching the two. "He's a lap full, isn't he?"

Kevin chuckles and nods.

"I'll go fix his pallet." She said getting up. When she came back, she noticed that Patches was sound asleep in Kevin's arms. She stopped in the doorway watching them.

Kevin was lightly rocking and humming softly, just like you would do a small child.

"You'd be lost without him, wouldn't you?" She said from the doorway.

Kevin smiles and nods, "Yea I would. Sometimes I think me falling on hard times and becoming homeless was a blessing in disguise."

Kirstie walked over sitting in a chair next to Kevin. She lightly runs her fingers through Patches's hair. "What do you think would have happened to him if you hadn't found him?"

Kevin shakes his head, "He'd probably be dead by now. Either by starvation or murdered."

"That's too scary to even think about." She said wiping a tear. "I'm just glad you two found each other."

"And I'm thankful that you found us." Kevin smiled.

"Me too." She said giving Kevin a kiss on the cheek. She smiles down at Patches, rubbing him on the head. "It's definitely not been boring."



**  AMERICA!!  **

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