Chapter 6

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Just want to say a heart felt THANK-YOU for all your kind words and support for this story. It does not go unnoticed. I read each and every comment.


She starts to flag down her a cab and Patches follows her under the watchful eye of Kevin.

A cab stops and she starts to get in until the cabby say, "Don't let that stinking dog in my cab!"

Kirstie stops and looks at the cabby, "EXCUSE ME??!! What did you just say?" She says in shock in disbelief that he just said such a cruel thing.

"Stinking bums aren't allowed in my cab." The driver said.

"I wouldn't dream of letting this little angel in this damn cab! IT STINKS!" She yells as she gets out and slams the door.

She hears a car horn. She looks and sees another cab so she flips off the asshole with the attitude. She notices that the driver in the other cab was none other than her friend Mario.

Mario pulls over and gets out of his cab. Patches starts clapping. Kirstie looks at him confused.

"Patches, my man! How's it going?" Mario says grabbing Patches into a hug. Kevin gets up and makes his way over to where they were.

"Mario, man it's been awhile." Kevin says grabbing his hand and giving him a brotherly hug.

"Wait, I had no idea you guys knew each other. This is awesome." Kirstie says smiling.

Kirstie gets into Mario's cab. "I can't believe you know Patches and Kevin."

"Yea, we were all buddies when I was here." Mario said.

"What? You use to be homeless?" Kirstie asked confused.

"Yep. But I was one of the lucky ones. I manage to get a job. A lot of these homeless people, Kirst, are decent people who just hit a lot of  hard times and had no where else to go. Like Kevin. I've heard people call them worthless, bums and even smelly dogs. But a lot of them has stories that would rip your heart out. Patches on the other hand was born on the streets. He knows nothing of outside the street. I think he actually thinks of himself as worthless. It's sad, what kind of life does he have to look forward to. But Kevin, he could easily get off the streets. He's a very smart man. He was married, even went to college. He fell into hard times, lost his job, his wife left him for another man. He started stealing. Spent a year in jail for it. So he has a police record. I'm so afraid he'll end up back in jail. He's doing community service right now for shoplifting. He tried to steal a pair of shoes for Patches and got caught. I love Patches, don't get me wrong, how can you not love the little guy. Kevin loves him too, but that love may send him back to jail for a long time. Both Kevin and Patches lives are very interesting."- Mario

"Wow, I had no idea Kevin was ever married." Kirstie said.

"That's something that he doesn't like to talk about. So I wouldn't bring it up." Mario said.

"Oh, I won't. I find them both so interesting. There is so much not none about Patches. You know what I'm saying? And I love mysteries. I actually invited them over to my house for supper." She says looking out the window.

"Really? That was really sweet of you." Mario says looking at her in his rear view mirror. "Patches is gonna freak." He laughs.

"I was kind of wondering if you would do me a huge favor?" She ask looking at the mirror meeting his glare.

"If I can." He answered.

"Would you let them ride in your cab to my house?" She ask with pleading eyes.

"Gee, I don't know Kirst." Mario says shaking his head watching the road. "Don't get me wrong, I love both of them to death. But, little Patches? I love him dearly. But Kirst, he actually smells like a wet dog. I mean, I know he can't help it."

"Please," Kirstie begs. "Please Mario. I'll but you a bottle of Febreze?"

"O.K." Mario answers quickly with a smile.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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