Chapter 49

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** Would like to give a shout out to my buddy, SnB1996, for giving me the idea for this chapter. Thanks, Girl.  :)



"Patch, I am so sorry." Scott said coming into the room. "It just didn't dawn on me that you had no idea what a screw driver was."

"See, Honey. You are not dumb. You just haven't been shown." Kirstie said rubbing him on the shoulder.

"Yea, there is a difference." Kevin said sitting on the floor next to Patch. "Patch, you are far from being dumb. But there is a lot that you don't know only because you haven't been taught. Buddy, you grew up on the streets so naturally you're not gonna know what a lot of stuff is, but that doesn't make you dumb or stupid. Understand?"

Patch sniffs and nods his head. He gets up from the floor and walks over to Scott, giving him a hug.

"So does that mean you forgive me for being a jerk to you?" Scott said hugging him back. Patch smiles and nods.

"Hey, I got an idea." Kirstie said walking up to Patch slipping her arms around his waist. "I notice there is an attic. Do you want to check it out with me?" She ask kissing him on the chin.  He smiles and nods.

She takes his hand and leads him out to the hallway. She points up to a rope hanging from the attic door. He looks up at the rope and then down at her with a smirk on his face.

"Don't even think it. I know I'm short." She said crossing her arms, glaring at him.

He chuckles as he reaches up for the rope, pulling down the ladder. To their surprise, there was a lot of stuff up there 

"Wow. Look at all this stuff that they just left behind. Oh my God! Patch, Honey. Look a Christmas tree! And it's a big one too." She said smiling looking at the box. "And look at all the boxes of decorations. Do you want to help me decorate the tree?"

"N..naaa." Patch answered from across the room, where he was looking through some stuff.

"O.K., then. Scrooge. Little Bits can help me." She giggled as she looked through some boxes.

"Kit? M..m..mere." (meaning:Come here) Patch said from across the room.

She steps over boxes to get to where he was, He reaches out taking her by the hand to help her so she wouldn't trip. He points to the corner. She looks to see a beautiful acoustic guitar covered in dust.

"OH! It's a guitar." She says as Patch reaches for it.

He looks at it and smiles. "T..tar?" (guitar) He runs his thumb over the strings and frowns.

"Sounds like it needs tuning really bad." She giggles.

"Tar." Patch says and points to himself.

"You want it?" She ask. He nods, wiping off some of the dust. "Sure, but we need to carry it to a music store and have it checked out to make sure it's not warped or anything. They can put new strings on it and tune it for you."

He nods and sits the guitar aside.

Kirstie opens another box. "Wow, look at all these movies." She said looking through them until a couple of them catches her eye.

"Hey, Honey? Look at this." She said holding up two videos, 'Teach Yourself To Play'.

He looks at her with a confused look.

"They're videos to teach you how to play your guitar." She said.

He smiles and takes them from her, laying them by his guitar.

"Finding anything good?" Kevin ask as he, Scott and Mitch comes into the attic.

"Are you kidding? It's a gold mine up here." She laughed. "Look at all this stuff that the people just left. I found a Christmas tree with a bunch of decorations. I need you guys to help me get them down. Patch doesn't want to help decorate the tree so I'll get Little Bits to help."

"Oh, that should be real fun." Kevin chuckles. "Did you find anything, Patch?"

Patch nods and smiles widely. "T..Tar." He says holding up the guitar proudly.




**  SLAAAYYY!!  **

"SOMEBODY HELP ME"- Tim in 'Nate's Dream'

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