Chapter 68

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Patches sat beside Kirstie eating some chocolate chip cookies. Once he was down, he sat and examined the melted chocolate on his hands. 

"K..Kit? Mmm baa." He said quietly. (meaning of baa- bath)

Kirstie looked around and giggled at the chocolate surrounding his mouth. "I will definitely say that you need a bath."

"Mmm baa. Mmm pay baa." Patches said, nodding his head, cutting his big green eyes at her.

"You can play but I don't want you making a mess O.K.?" Kirstie said brushing his hair away from the chocolate on his face.

"K..K." He said nodding his head.

"You go let Kevin help you with your clothes and I'll run your bath water." Kirstie said leading him upstairs.

He goes to his bedroom while she goes to the bathroom. She starts filling the tub with warm water and gets some of his bath toys putting them in the bath tub.

"PATCHES! GET BACK HERE!!" Kevin yells from down the hall.

She hears Patches giggling and turns toward the door just in time to see a naked Patches run in.

"Oh my God!!" Kirstie laughs covering her eyes. "Sweetie, what are you doing?"

"Mmm baa." He said giggling and clapping his hands.

"Kirstie, I'm so sorry. The little booger got away from me." Kevin said running into the bathroom.

"That's alright Kevin." She said shielding her eyes from the naked man in front of her. Yes, she has seen Patch without clothes a lot of times but it just didn't seem right looking at Patches. Same body but different mind. "Get in the tub but be careful." 

She heard the water splashing around a bit so she peeked through her fingers to see him sitting down in the water. She uncovered her eyes considering the water was covering his privates from view.

"Don't get water on the floor." She points her finger at him.

"K." He nods and smiles. She kisses him on the forehead.

 She leaves the bathroom door open and lays down on her bed to read. She could hear everything that was going on in the bathroom. She smiled as she heard him trying to hum a song. There was really no tune to it.

She did not notice Mack come into her bedroom and head to the bathroom following the sound of his owners voice.

"M..Mack?" Patches said and Kirstie looked up from her book. She then hear him gasp.

"Naaa M..MACK!! NAAA!! K..KIT!!!!!" Patches screamed. "MACK NAAA!!!!"

She threw her book down, jumping up and running to the bathroom. She froze when she saw the scene in front of her.

A very large puppy, happily jumping and splashing around in the bath tub. A soaked Patches stared up at her with frightened green eyes, thinking he was in trouble. He points to the water on the floor then points to himself and slowly shakes his head no, never taking his eyes off Kirstie.

Kirstie sighed and her shoulders slumped. "Mack! Bad puppy!"

Patches giggled and hid his face as Mack jumped around in circles,splashing water everywhere.

Knowing she would need help, she did the only thing she knew to do. "KEVINNNN!!" She yelled.

"Yea, what's wro.... Oh." He said as he seen the water on the floor and the dog in the bathtub.

"Patches had an unwelcome visitor." Kirstie said, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at the wet puppy, who had now calmed down and stared at her with his blue eyes.

Kevin went and got Mack's towel and got the puppy out of the tub and began to dry him off. Kirstie laid some towels in the floor to soak up the water and then got a towel for Patches. 

"You cold?" She asked when she noticed his teeth chattering.

'Wa...Wa co." He nods.

She holds a towel up blocking her view. He stands up and steps out of the tub and she carefully wraps the towel around his waist. She towel dried his hair and had him to sit down so she could brush it.

"I remember the first bath you ever had." She smiled as she brushed the tangles out of his long hair.

Patches giggled and nodded his head. "K...Keb pel baa." he smiled.

"He did fall didn't he. Kevin wasn't too happy, but I thought it was funny, didn't you?" She giggled.

He laughed covering his mouth and nodded.

"Now, all done. Go get your jammies on." She lightly pops him on the butt, he giggles and runs out of the bedroom.

She changes into some sleep pants and a t-shirt. She lays back down and picks up her book. She hears shuffling feet coming into her room. She looks up to see Patches in his dragon onesie, carrying 'Dag' and his story book, followed by a now dry and fluffy Mack.

"Ooo..weed. Ooo weed K.Kit?" He asked with innocent eyes, holding up his book.

Kirstie smiles and pats the bed beside her. "Sure, Sweetie. Come here."

He climbs into bed and hands her the book. Laying his head on her shoulder cuddling 'Dag' in his arms. Mack made himself comfortable at the foot of her bed.

"Oh, Nursery Rhymes. I love Nursery Rhymes." She smiled as she began to read 'The Three Little Pigs'.

He giggled as she lowered her voice for the wolf. "Little pig, little pig let me in." Then with a higher squeakier voice. "Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin." She smiles tugging gently on his beard.

Patches laughed covering his face with his hands.

"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and bloooow your house down." She said in her lower wolf voice. "O.K., let's help the wolf blow." She tells him. Patches raises up a little and blows as hard as he can, shaking his head as he blows.

She continues to read until she hears light snoring. She stops reading and looks down at Patches expecting to see him asleep but sees two drowsy green eyes look up at her.

He giggles and closes his eyes. "M..Mack."

She looks down at the sleeping puppy and realizes the snoring was coming from him. She smiles, then kisses Patches on the forehead.

"Good night, my little Angel." She whispers.

"Ni...Kit." He mumbles as he slips off to sleep.



(((( TIM + AVI = TIVI ))))

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