Chapter 36

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Kirstie woke up the next morning and got ready for work. She was so happy how things went last night. Scott and Mitch got along great with Kevin and they absolutely fell in love with Little Bits.

What surprised her was Mitch. He was the one who had called them bums and smelly dogs because they were homeless. But him and Patches hit it off great. He even offered to babysit.

Before she left for work, she peeked in on Patches to make sure he was still asleep. She smiled when she saw him curled up on his pallet,  hugging his stuff dragon. She blew him a kiss then left for work.

During her 5 hour shift, she couldn't help but imagine Patches lying in the floor, coloring, bopping his head to the music. She even said 'Hi' to him hoping he was listening.

That evening Mario was her cabby, that gave her a chance to tell him everything that was going on. INCLUDING being pregnant by Patch. Needless to say he was quite shock by the news, but was still happy for them and wished them well.

After she got home and had to sit through Patches showing her all that he had colored that day, they decided to walk to a near-by park. Her and Kevin sat on a park bench and talked while Little Bits played.

He got a lot of strange looks from people, but he didn't seem to care. He was having fun just being outside. Being outside was like his home. He saw a patch of pretty flowers, so he was going to pick some and surprise Pretty Kirstie.

Kevin was telling Kirstie how excited Patches had gotten when she said 'Hi' to him on the radio.

When suddenly, "OWWWW!! AAHHHHH!!" They jumped and looked up to see Patches over by the flowers. He was screaming, shaking his right hand and was stomping his feet.

"BABY! WHAT HAPPENED??!!" Kirstie yelled as they ran to him.

"AAHHH! OWWW!" He screamed loudly and was crying.

Kevin grabbed him by the face, "Patches!! Stop screaming and try to tell us what happened!"

"B..B...BEE!!" He cried still shaking his hand.

"Oh God, he got stung." Kirstie said grabbing his hand and seeing the stinger in his finger.

After she removed the stinger, he held his hand to his chest crying and shaking uncontrollably. "F..F...Foul." He said pointing to the flowers.

Kirstie noticed a little hand full of flowers that he had picked but dropped when he got stung. 

"You were picking me flowers?" She ask smiling, brushing his hair back. But her smiled quickly faded when she noticed he was having difficulty breathing.

"Kevin? Is he allergic to bee sting?" She ask in a panic.

"I don't know. He's never been stung." Kevin said looking at a now very swollen hand.

She grabbed her phone and called 911. "PLEASE HURRY!" She shouted as she ended the call.

Kevin had laid Patches down on the grass, talking to him. His face was beginning to swell and there was a wheezing sound coming from the breaths he was trying to take. He soon lost consciousness.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY??!!" Kevin screamed, rocking an unconscious Patches in his arms.




**  AMERICA!!  **

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