Chapter 56

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                                                             *******  Patches's Christmas!!  *******


Christmas Eve was such a blessing for Kirstie. It was so touching to see Patch celebrate his first Christmas. The smile on his face when he opened his gifts was indescribable. And then to hear him play the guitar so beautifully with only a few lessons was unbelievable. They were finding out very quickly that Patch was a very smart man. All he needed was the chance to learn.

                                                     **** CHRISTMAS MORNING ****

Kirstie woke up with a smile on her face thinking about the events from the night before. She then noticed the bed slightly moving and there was an odd humming.

She glanced over her shoulder to see 'Dag' in the air dancing, being held up by a humming Patches.

She giggled as she rolled over to face him. "Good morning, Sweetie." He smiled at her biting his bottom lip.

"K..Kit?" He said sitting up. He pulled his hair around to show her the tie back tangled in his hair, where he had tried to get it out.

"Oh my, looks like you got a mess here." She laughs as she tries to untangle his hair.

"Owww." He whined.

"Honey, I'm not even pulling your hair." She chuckles. After a little work, she finally manage to get the tie back out of his hair and laid it on the night stand. She ran her hands through his hair. "I take it you don't like having your hair tied back." She smiled, his hair was getting so long.

He shakes his head no, his hair falling in his face. He stops as his eyes fall on something. He points at the picture Kevin had given her last night of her and Patch. She really didn't know what to say.

"Is that you?" She ask with a nervous smile.

He shakes his head. "Naaa, P..Pat."

She just stares at him not knowing what to say. Did he know that there were two of him?

"Hey." She said nervously. "Do you know what today is?" Try hard to change the subject, not knowing how to handle the split personality subject. He shakes his head and picks up Dag. "It's Christmas. You get to open your presents."

She giggles as the excitement grows in his face. He crawls off the bed and grabs her hand trying to pull her out of bed.

"Wait, Honey. You have to go wake up Kevin." She laughs. He runs from the bedroom and she makes a quick phone call before following him.

He runs and jumps on Kevin's bed. "K..KEB! KEB!" He yelled.

"WHAT! WHAT!" Kevin yells sitting straight up. ""Patches whats wrong?"

"PEZ!! P..PEZ!!" He yells pulling on Kevin's arm.

"What?" Kevin ask, rubbing his eyes.

"Kevin, he wants to open his presents." Kirstie said from the doorway, giggling at the confused man.

"Oh, alright." Kevin said slowly getting out of bed.

Patches runs pass Kirstie giggling, heading to the living room.

"PATCHES, WAIT ON US!! AND NO RUNNING DOWN THE STAIRS!!" Kirstie shouts. "Kevin, I need to tell you something later." Kirstie said and Kevin nods as they head downstairs.

Patches was sitting in front of the tree, clapping his hands with excitement. Kevin picks up the camera and starts recording. Kirstie sits down beside Patches and picks up a present.

He rips the package open to find a dragon onesie. He grins, holding it up to look at it. "DAG!" He yells. He lays it down, claps then gives her a hug.

"Oooo, here's a big one." She said pushing the package to him.

He rips the paper and gasp when he sees a big dump truck on the box. "Tuck! Tuck!." He shouts pointing to the picture.

Kirstie opens the box and pulls out a large remote control dump truck. His mouth was open as he stared at the truck.

"Watch this." Kirstie said picking up the remote that they had already put batteries in. She presses a lever and the truck starts to move. He laughs, clapping his hands then covers his mouth with the back of his hand. "It also dumps." She presses another lever to show him. He gives her a tight hug.

He also got a big ball that was all different colors and a thick night time story book. Either Kevin or Kirstie would always read him a story before he went to bed at night.

"You have one more present that Scott is bringing over." Kirstie said.  And on cue, the doorbell rings.

"AaHHHH!" Patches screams. Kirstie rolls her eyes and looks at Kevin.

"Sorry, I forgot." He chuckled.

Kirstie opens the door for Scott, who is carrying a large box.

"Special delivery for Patches." Scott laughs as Patches raises his hand. He sat the box down easily in front of the man-child.

Patches takes the lid off the box. He throws his hands over his mouth and squeals before he starts to cry.

"Sweetie, are you O.K.?" Kirstie ask when she saw him trembling.

"A PUP!! A PUP!!" He cries as he very gently pats the puppy on the head.

Kirstie carefully reaches into the box, picking up the small, beautiful Siberian Husky puppy.

"Oh, Kirstie. He is beautiful." Kevin smiled, still recording.

Patches claps then covers his eyes and cries.

"I think those are happy tears." Kevin chuckles.

"Here you go, Baby." Kirstie said handing the puppy to Patches.

He takes the rowdy little puppy and places a kiss on it's head.

"What are you gonna name it?" She asked brushing his hair back.

He thought for a minute, then looks up at Kirstie with tears rolling down his face.

"M...Mack." He giggles as the puppy licks his face.


That is Mack in the picture at the top.


**  ROCK & ROLL!!  **


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