Love Potion (Light Lemon)

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~Inspired by another fanfic and a song~
Basic Story: Mark drinks a love potion which causes some side effects...

Warnings: Just some light lemon

[Marks Pov]
Me and Jack walked into the sweet shop, sure we weren't exactly the age to get excited and want to go into a new sweet shop that had just opened, but we sure did act like the age! I stood in the middle of the shop, looking up to see the colourful ceiling and the second floor. People were walking past me with handfuls of sweets and chocolate, pushing through the crowd to get to the tills. "Stop gawkin' Mark and let's buy something!" I heard Jack yell over the talking of the people. I stopped staring at what was above me and decided to actually go up there. "I'll meet you outside when iv got my stuff!" I yelled before running up the stairs, eager to search for sweets.

I reached the second floor and looked upon the shelves and shelves of candy that you could pick out yourself. As I looked around the place, I saw a bit of the top floor that was sectioned off with a pink curtain. Curious, I walked towards it, avoiding knocking into the many people here. When I got there, I peaked though the curtain to see some legs with some sneakers hanging over a red chair. I looked around me, no security guard or sign giving me the hint I wasn't aloud to enter so...I pulled back the curtain a bit.

The figure in the chair looked at me. He looked strangely like me, but with a pink moustache. He was wearing a white and red carnival looking jacket complete with a top hat. "Do come in and take a seat..." He said in a deep, low voice. I looked around and saw another red chair, a table in front of it with a box on top. I walked in and let the curtain droop back fully closed. I sat down and stared at the box. "Would you like to try some of our shops new and improved candy syrup?" He asked, placing his hands on top of the box lid. I gave a slow nod, not sure what I got myself into. He slowly turned around the box to face me, opening the lid and revealing bottles containing pink syrupy liquid with the label: "Love Potion" on them.

I scoffed and gave a small chuckle. "Why do you call it that when it's not actually...that." I asked the strange man. "'s just a..." He paused and looked up at me. "...trick." He replied, giving a tiny smirk when saying it. "Right...well I'm not fooling for it." I told him with a laugh. "But do please give it a try....just for the taste and not for the...trick of course..." He said, moving the box closer to me. "How much?" I asked him, eyeing the bottles of 'potions'. "Nothing, just take it and see what you think, it is our new and improved recipe after all." He smiled. "I can take that..." I said to him, picking up the potion in the middle of the box.

"Do please give it a try..." He said as he pulled the box to him and shut the lid down. I shrugged as if to say 'here goes nothing' and I popped the cap off. I took a small swig of the syrup and the sweet yet sour flavour stung my tongue. I closed my eyes as if I had just bit into a lemon and swallowed the mixture down. "'s a bit...urgh...sour but-" I opened my eyes to tell him the results but he had gone. The box of potions too, leaving me behind a curtain sat on a chair. I looked around to find him but I was alone. "-well then. That was...weird." I stood up, looking at the bottle in my hand. "Humph...weird flavour." I said as I put the lid back on and slipped it into my pocket.

I walked out of the room and pushed back the curtains in a slight daze. "Woah...I do not feel normal..." I said, clutching my stomach. I looked around at the sweets, I didn't feel like eating anything right now. I just wanted to go home because I wasn't going to be able to eat any sort of candy with this stomach. I stumbled down the stairs and saw Jack's silhouette outside through the window. "I'll be fine...I'll be fine...just that...stupid potion!" I managed to make it to the door, swinging it open and nearly walking into Jack when I stumbled out.

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