Deaf Love (Part 1)

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Thanks so much to @Firefly202020 for giving me this idea, im really happy and glad you gave me an idea! :D Credit to them for the story, I'm just writing it :)

Basic Story: Jack is a deaf boy who suffers from loneliness since no-one knows sign language, a new boy meets him and gladly, he knows sign language so he can talk to him, he can even show his love even if he can't hear him. 

Warnings: This is just gonna be really fluffy x3

[Jack's Pov]

I got onto the bus and looked around for an empty seat, every seat I looked at ether had someone sat on it, who gave me dirty looks, or was empty then the person put their bag or coat on it.

I almost gave up looking and was considering standing up, but at the back their was 2 empty seats. I walked over to them and sat down, sighing as I looked out the window.

I was a nice guy and I wasn't mean to anyone, people just didn't like me I guess. This added to another reason I didn't have any friends.

I was deaf, so no-one could speak to me. Because of this, people decided that because they can't talk to me, they wouldn't be my friend. They didn't know sign language so they couldn't even talk to me like that.

The only friend I had at school was my helper, who signed for me. We had nice 'chats' and she was like a true friend...but she wasn't an actual friend of course.

Of course I could speak to people, but since I couldn't hear myself I chose not to talk. I hated talking and not hearing what I was saying, my words probably came out slurred and a mess anyway.

I just looked out the window and imagined the sound of rain hitting the glass. I think I would be a rain person, if I could hear. People had told me that it was very calming and very nice to listen to, if only I could.

I felt the seat next to me move a slight bit and a shadow casted over me, I turned my head and there was a boy sat there, someone I hadn't seen before.

His hair was shaved at the sides and candy floss pink at the top, it looked amazing. He wore some glasses but as I looked through the lenses, I saw his eyes were a gorgeous shade of chocolate brown.

He looked at me and smiled, he said something that I couldn't hear, he said 'Hi' I think, by reading his lips.

I sighed and got out my phone, going into my notes. I typed the words 'I can't hear you, I'm deaf' into my phone.

I showed him it and he nodded, I think he made an 'ah...' noise, what you would do when you are surprised.

He got his phone out and went into his notes, typing something down. He showed his phone to me and it read the words 'ah okay, I actually know a bit of sign language :)'

I smiled and nodded at him, typing on my phone the words 'go on and try it then :)' he read the words and smiled looking up and me.

He signed the words 'I'm Mark, what is your name?' and smiled again. Mark...that's a nice name. I nodded and signed 'My name is Sean but I choose the name Jack, I like your name'

His smile got bigger and he stared into my eyes. 'Thanks, I like yours too.' He signed. My smile got bigger and I blushed...this guy was cute.

'Are you a new student?' I signed to him. He closed his eyes and nodded. 'I moved house, this was the closest school.' He signed. I nodded back.

'I'm scared I won't make any friends' he signed. I looked at him with a surprised expression and signed 'I can be your friend' with a smile.

He grinned and looked into my eyes. 'Really? Thank you so much!' He said with his face full of pure delight. I chuckled and looked at him. 'Of course silly, you seem really nice'

The bus came to a halt and everyone started getting off the bus. 'Do you not have any friends?' Mark signed as we sat and waited for the other people to get off so we could get out.

'No-one knows sign language except my helper, I'm not exactly popular when I don't speak ether.' I signed, looking sad.

'That's horrible, I'm so glad I know sign language' he signed, laughing. I wish I could hear his laughter, it was probably the most amazing thing ever...

We stood up and got off the bus, walking towards the doors of the school. A lot of people were staring at Mark, he looked back at them worriedly.

'Can I see your planner?' I asked him. He nodded and got his planner out of his pocket, showing me what lessons he had.

I looked at them and nodded, smiling when I saw that he had most lessons with me. I looked and him and grinned. 'You have these lessons with me' I signed, pointing to the subjects after.

He grinned too and put it away. He put his thumbs up and signed 'Yay!' I smiled, my cheeks burning.

We walked inside the school and I walked with Mark to the first lesson, that we had together.

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