I Got Your Back, No Matter How Awkward. (Fluff)

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Basic Story: Jacks ex comes for a visit but Mark helps him with his ex problem...it's a bit awkward

Warnings: A hint of smut at the end but nothing happens so your safe~

[Jack's Pov]

I remembered everything, I still wasn't over it.


Knocking on her door and it taking a while for her to answer.

The door opening and her face turning into shock when she saw me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked nervously.

"I came to surprise you!" I told her with a smile.

"Babe, come back to bed..." I heard someone say.

Her face turned into a horrified mess and she looked at me with guilt when a guy started to walk towards her from behind.

Shirt unbuttoned and hair all messy.

"Who the fook is that?" I asked her with rage in my voice.

Without waiting for her to answer, I ran away, crying my eyes out and I didn't stop until I got to sleep.


Mark was there for me, he comforted me so much. It felt nice.

"She didn't deserve an amazing person like you..." He would say as I cried over his shoulder.

"...she wasn't boss enough!" He would joke, he made me laugh as tears fell down my cheek.

I was still at his place, hanging out and playing games.

Iv been here for a week and I'm still not over what happened.

"Got the popcorn!" I heard Mark yell from the kitchen.

He walked in the room and stopped to look at me.

"Are you okay? You don't look quite 'with it' Jack..." Mark said with a chuckle.

He placed the bowl of popcorn on the table and sat down next to me.

"Jack?" He asked again.

I snapped back out of my thoughts and smiled at him.

"I'm fine." I told him with a weak smile.

"If anything is bothering you, you know you can tell me." He said as he placed a hand on my back.

"Yeah...I know. It just takes a while I guess. To get over stuff that happens." I told him.

"That's fine, I hope I've helped!" He said with a chuckle.

"Of course ye have!" I said with a proper smile this time.

Me and Mark stared into each others eyes for a while, but the silence was interrupted by a series of knocks at the door.

"Expecting anything or anyone?" I asked Mark.

"Nope. Let me have a look..." He said as he got up off the sofa and walked towards the door.

He looked through the spy hole and sighed when he pulled away from it.

"It's...her." He said.

I stood up quickly, what should I fucking do?

Talk to her? Listen to her? Not go anywhere near her?

"Why is she here?" I whispered a shout to Mark.

"I don't know...what are you gonna do?" Mark asked.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck I don't know!" I whispered.

"Jack calm down, I've got an idea." Mark said as his frown turned into a wicked smile.

"What?" I asked him, trying to calm myself down.

"What happened when she opened the door to you on that night?" He asked.

He was seriously reminding me? Not that I had forgotten but...

"I heard a guy say 'Babe, come back to bed'..." I told him with a confused look.

Mark walked over to me and smiled.

"Right, I have a little plan." He said.

He then leaned to my ear and whispered what he was gonna do.

I gulped but agreed to his plan.


I opened the door, no expression of being surprised or shocked of her being here.

"Jack! Jack oh my god...I'm so sorry...please...I never got the chance to explain to you what happened...it...it was all a misunderstanding!" She blabbered on.

"Sorry Lucy." I simply replied to her pathetic speech.

(So sorry if that is your name ;-;)

Right after I had spoken, Mark came from behind me and snaked his arms around my waist, holding me close to his bare chest. He even unbuttoned his flannel for the plan.

"Babe, come back to bed." Mark said as he rested his head on my shoulder, then nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.

"Wha...who...what?!" She screamed through her tears.

"Oh...it's all a misunderstanding." I said with a tone of sarcasm.

I slammed the door in her face and locked it, walking away and sitting myself down on the sofa again.

"Good plan?" Mark asked as he walked towards me.

"Yeah. I loved it how you took what that guy said and fired it right back at her..." I said with a small chuckle.

"Hey, I got your back. No matter how awkward." Mark said with a caring smile.

He sat down next to me again and started to button his flannel up again.

I put my hand on his chest but I didn't look at him.

"Don't. Leave it." I said.

I looked up this time with a small smirk to see Mark was smirking too.

"What did the guy look like again?" Mark asked.

"Shirt unbuttoned and hair all messy." I told him.

"My hair was neat though...how about you make it messy?" Mark said with an eyebrow raised, smirking as he started leaning towards me.

I managed to get one done quite quickly for once!

If anyone has any requests or ideas id be more than grateful to hear them!

Thank youu love youu

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