Zombie Heart (Angst)

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Basic Story: Mark and Jack are in an a zombie apocalypse, and as you know, that often doesn't end well.

Warnings: You might cry your eyes out reading this? Idk but I was crying while writing the last part so good luck I love you

[Jack's Pov]

These past months have been a living hell.

Although it wasn't a 'living' hell, more of a 'dying' hell.

This was because of an infection, called 'The Z virus'. The Z stands for Zombie, which is what most of the population is right now.

If it wasn't for Mark, I don't know where I'd be.

Probably dead.

"Jack, it's time to go out." I heard a deep voice say. My eyes slowly opened, the dim light shining on my unclean face made me hold my hand up, blocking the light until my eyes could get used to my surroundings. I stood up, letting out a heavy sigh. My sleeping place wasn't very comfortable, just a sleeping bag that was against the wooden wall of this attic me and Mark were staying in. We chose to sleep up here, so if the zombies ever got into the house we would still be safe. I found it quite amusing that I used to play zombie games, and I never thought they would actually be useful in real life.

Mark grabbed one of the empty backpacks and put it on his back, handing me another one. I quickly put it on and smiled at him. "Let's hope we score good today, aye?" I said, walking over to the attic window and looking down. "Let's hope." Mark replied. As I looked down at the street, I smiled as it was clear and not overrun with the things. "Should we head east?" I asked, looking back to him. He nodded and opened the hatch, quietly putting the ladder down to the floor. He climbed down and waited for me as I climbed down and met his brown eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight, making my eyes widen with surprise.

"Be careful, okay?" He told me, his voice echoing in my head. "Don't tell me that, you be careful yourself, ya doof." I replied. He pulled away and smiled, before letting his smile fade and walking down the stairs. I followed him outside, grabbing an axe along the way from the kitchen. Mark was stood still, listening out for any noise. When it was clear, we ran off down the road, passing abandoned houses. Once we had got to the houses we hadn't been in before, we stopped running and I rested on my knees to catch my breath. "Over there." Mark said, pointing to one of the houses. "We'll check that one, then that one. If there's no supplies, we'll check the others until dusk if we have to."

I nodded before we both ran off to the house he pointed to first, slowing down as we got to the door. Mark opened the door quietly, hearing it's rusty hinges creak. He stepped in the house, getting his bat out ready to swing. I followed behind him with my axe, checking corners and doorways. When the coast was clear, we put out weapons down. There was a layer of dust on every surface, it had definitely been a long time since people lived here. Mark looked around, scanning everything he saw. His eyes stopped on the kitchen, walking into the room and checking it out.

I turned my attention to the long hallway, doors opposite each other all the way down. I walked forward, the floorboards creaking as I did so. The main reason why me and Mark were so scared, why everyone was so scared, was that when you got bitten by those things, you would turn into one of them quite quickly. We had seen it happen before, at first it seemed like they weren't even bit, then came the immense pain, then you would loose all thought as you became a monster. It was like a nightmare.

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