Staged Love (Angst)

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Basic Story: Jack and Mark are two actors who work at a theatre, they both play a part of two gay lovers...but the love is just an act.

Warnings: Not rly bad angust just a bit sad ;-;

[Mark's Pov]

"I can't be with you! Don't you understand? My parents, they don't agree with this sort of love!" I yelled from the top of my lungs to the boy in front of me, tears streaming down my face.

"It doesn't matter! We can run away! We can get away from them!" The man who I loved yelled back at me.

"I can't do that! I'm sorry but I can't!" I screamed.

"Alright! That's a wrap! Get changed for...scene 9!" The director said, shutting the clapper board and making the crew walk to our dressing rooms.

I sighed and wiped my tears off my face, it took some work to cry on stage.

"I don't know how ye do that Mark." My parter in the play said while walking towards me.

"Ha, well. I can just get emotional quickly I guess." I told him with a chuckle.

"Yeah, well I best be gettin' ready for the next scene. See ya soon!" He said as he waved to me and walked behind stage, into his dressing room.

I sighed again. It was actually really easy to cry on stage when I was actually upset.

You see, I actually liked the guy who played the role of my gay lover in the play.

"Mark! You're needed for the dressing room!" One of the staff said.

I turned to her and nodded, walking to my dressing room and opening the door.

I walked over to the mirror and sat down at the table, staring at my reflection.

"It's all fake." I told myself. "All the love is fake and staged. He only loves me as an act."

I held my face in my hands, closing my eyes and letting out a long sigh.

"Mark! Are you ready?" Someone said, knocking on my door.

"Nearly!" I replied, quickly drying my cheeks from my tears and sorting my clothes out.

I stood up, looked at my reflection one last time and nodded before walking out.

I was met with one of the staff with a clip board and asking me if I knew all my lines.

I nodded, I had been acting for years now and I had a good memory sometimes went when I was met face to face with Jack though.

The staff nodded to me and walked away, leaving me to walk on the stage and act with Jack again.

I breathed in, and out. I can do this.

I walked onto the stage and Jack was stood in his place, damn he looked good in that outfit.

I got in my place and Jack was ready to cup my face in his hands.

"One, two, three, action!"

The stage light came on and Jack's face was lit up, he had a very serious look on his face.

"I've told you a million times and I'll say it again! We can't be toget-" I spoke in a loud voice until my speech was cut off by Jack, leaning towards me and kissing me and cupping my face.

I was supposed to be very surprised then carry on with the kiss, but my mind was in other places.

Jack pulled away, slipping his hand away from my face and giving me a caring look.

"You have to kiss back Mark, even if the audience can't see." He said calmly.

"Do the scene again!" The staff yelled.


Jack leaned to me again and cupped my face, planting his lips on mine and kissing me slowly.

This time I concentrated and I widened my eyes, slowly closing them and kissing back like the script said.

We were only supposed to kiss for a few seconds but I planned for this one to last a bit longer.

Jack tried to pull away by leaning his head back, but I leaned forward so my lips had more time on his until I couldn't reach and I had to let go.

Jack acted normal but you could see the hint of shock and surprise in his eyes.


The scene was over and everything was wrapped up, we were done for the day and soon we would be doing the play for real.

That kiss we had, it wasn't real.

It was all staged.

All acted out.

All part of the play.

And that's all it will ever be.

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