Puppyplier and Dogsepticeye (Fluff)

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Basic Story: Mark is out with his dog playing fetch, another dog and his owner gets his attention though...

Warnings: Just fluff :)

[Mark's Pov]

"Come on boy!" I said to my husky, Tim. He started to run towards me and I opened the door, walking outside and holding onto the leash tightly. I took a deep breath as the cold morning air hit me, it was so nice at this time of day.

Tim was wagging his tail so much, he couldn't wait to get the the park. I closed and locked my door, smiling down at Tim. "Let's go!" I said, starting to walk down my driveway and onto the path.

The park wasn't far, I could see it from my bedroom window. I crossed the road, running across it with Tim following me. I walked up the small dirt path up to the park field.

There were a few other people walking their dogs, a man with brown hair and probably his girlfriend were walking two pugs, better keep Tim away from them.

I took my bag off my shoulder and got out Tim's favourite tennis ball. I put my bag on my shoulder again and let Tim off his leash. "Ok boy...fetch!" I said, throwing the ball far away across the field.

Tim ran after it as fast as possible, running through the grass until he picked it up and came running back to me. He dropped it down to my feet and I have his fur a ruffle. "Good boy!" I said smiling.

I picked up the ball and raised my arm. "Go...fetch!" I said, throwing it again. I watched as the ball went down, landed on the grass and...a Jack Russell picked it up?

"No Gizmo that's not yours!" I heard an Irish voice say. I looked and saw a man with a flat cap and a blue hoodie, running towards the Jack Russell.

He bent down to his dog and told his dog off. "Bad Gizmo! Put the ball down!" He said. The dog slowly placed the ball down and he picked it up, looking around for who threw it.

"Oh!" He said as he stood up and walked towards me. "Sorry about that! She gets a bit giddy when she sees a toy she can get!" He said, handing me the ball. "No it's fine! She's quite a cutie!" I said chuckling.

"Not bad ye self." He said. I stopped and looked at him. "What?" I asked him. "Y-ye dog! He's a cutie too! Haha..." He said while scratching the back of his neck. "Oh...he's called Tim! Tim! Hey come here boy!" I said, whistling him over.

He was play fighting with the Jack Russell, Gizmo. He came running over to me and I smiled at him. "Sit boy!" I told him. He sat down and looked up at the man, wondering who he was.

He crouched down to Tim's height and started to ruffle his fur, smiling at him. "Is he a big softie?" He asked. "Haha...yeah. A big softie." I replied, smiling down at him.

He stopped ruffling his fur and stood up, holding out his hand. "My names Sean by the way, but everyone calls me Jack." He said. I smiled and took his hand, shaking it.

"I'm Mark. I think I've seen you around this area before actually!" I said. "Well, I've started coming here, I've just moved into the area actually." He said. I nodded and put the leash on Tim.

"I could show you some great trails to walk with your dog, if you'd like." I said. Jack smiled and patted his knees, Gizmo running over to him. He put the leash on her and looked up at me. "That'd be great!" He said.

~a time skip? well I'll be dammed~

Me and Jack were slowly walking through the woods where I had walked him to. I had been here a few times and I loved it, the red and orange leaves hanging off the tree branches and covering the floor.

We let Tim and Gizmo off their leashes and they were both running together, occasionally jumping into piles of leaves. "So you moved over here from Ireland? That explains your accent!" I chuckled. "Yep, thought it was time for a change, no more lucky charms and leprechauns!" He said in a forced Irish accent.

I laughed and he did too, he was a nice guy. "Hey, want to sit here for a bit?" I said, pointing at a fallen tree trunk. "Yeah, my legs aren't cut out for this long of a walk on a morning!" He said with a chuckle.

We walked over to the tree trunk and sat down. Tim and Gizmo were playing in the leaves, jumping everywhere and making the leaves fly up in the air.

"They seem to like each other a lot!" Jack said, laughing at them playing around. "Haha, they sure do!" I said, watching them chase each other.

"Urgh...I need to go soon...family coming round..." Jack said sadly. "Oh ok!" I said, trying not to show that I was upset he would have to go. "But um...this was really nice...could we...do it again sometime?" Jack said.

I smiled and looked at him. "Definitely. Meet at the park same time tomorrow morning?" I said. "Sure." He replied with a smile. We looked over at Tim and Gizmo in front of us and they were touching noses, staring into each other eyes and their tails wagging.

"I bet there gonna be the best of friends." I said. "Like their owners?" Jack said with a small smile. I chuckled and stared into Jack's eyes. "Like their owners."

Septiplier One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora