Beach Day (Part 2)

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Warnings: This one just has some kissing then fluff at the end :3

After swimming in the sea for a while, splashing water at each other and laughing. I realised how much fun I was having with Mark, my mouth hurt from smiling so much.

Mark waded out the water and I followed him, I smiled at him from behind as he started walking on the sand.

"Well...I'm shattered!" Mark said, chuckling as he ran his fingers through his wet hair. " too. Sure is different than sitting on my ass playing games!" I said. He laughed and we continued to walk up the beach to our towels.

Mark sat down and laid down on his towel, taking a deep breath before closing his eyes. Before I laid down I sat and stared at Mark, looking at his face with water dripping down it.

I sighed. I fucking loved him. I knew it as well, but I just didn't know what to do...tell him now? What would he say? Would he reject me? Would he...oh fuck it...

"Uh...Mark?" Mark opened one eye and smiled. "Yeah Jackieboy?" He said. "I'm...gonna go for a's a bit boring for me just to lay here." I told him. "Okay, don't be too long, I don't want to be a loner!" He chuckled. "Haha...yeah." I said, getting up and waving goodbye.

I walked down the beach, it seemed to go on forever and ever. It gave me time to think. I love him. I fucking love him. Seeing him shirtless sent me crazy, seeing him smile and laugh made me feel warm inside.

I have to tell him. I have to. At least, show him.

~oh what's that? A magical time skip~

"Hey Markimoo." I said as I sat down and looked at him. "Mark?" I repeated. I looked at him for a while until I realised he had fallen asleep while sunbathing, he had put a lot of suncream on so he was fine, great job he did.

I chuckled and laid down next to him, staring at the sky. It was getting dark now, the sun was almost setting. I heard Mark mumble next to me, waking up. "Uh...oh...hey Jack." He said with a sleepy smile. "Have a little rest did we?" I said, smirking.

Mark chuckled and looked up at the sky. "Fuck it's getting dark. When do you wanna go home?" He asked. "Not yet." I replied. Mark smiled and sat up, staring at the sun that was almost about to hide under the sea.

"Mark." I said. Mark turned to look at me, smiling. "Yeah?" He said. I sighed and turned my body on the towel to face him, sitting cross legged. "C-can i t-try something?" I asked. Mark looked surprised and sat cross legged to me as well. "Of course." He smiled.

I took a deep breath and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him in for a kiss. His lips didn't move for a while, he let a small surprised yelp before our lips met so he was still probably in shock. I moved my lips against his, kissing him as much as possible.

His lips were so soft, I can't believe I was fucking kissing him right now... I was caught by surprise when I felt Marks lips move against mine. He was out of shock now, but he didn't pull away.

Instead he grabbed my neck and placed a hand on my back, he leaned backwards until I fell on top of him. He made me fall on him? He wanted to continue this? I pulled away, looking into his eyes with shock. "Mark...people are looking." I said, embarrassed. "I don't care." Mark said, pushing my neck down so my lips met his again.

He kissed me more roughly, not giving a care in the world we were still on the beach. "" Mark pulled away and stared into my eyes. "What is it Jackieboy?" He asked. " like me too?!" I said in surprise. "Of course you goof! Iv been wanting to kiss you all day!" He said laughing. "Are you kidding me? Iv been wanting to jump on you ever since you took your fookin shirt off!" I laughed.

After laughing, Mark stared into my eyes. "Why don't you get off me and we go for a sunset walk?" He said. "Sounds great to me." I said smiling. I rolled off Mark and he got up, holding his hand out and I grabbed it, pulling me up.

We walked down along the shore and walked along the waves, smiling as the sun set. As I was walking and looking at the sand, Mark grabbed my hand and held onto it. I looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back and I held onto his hand too.

"I love you Markimoo."

"I love you too Jackieboy."

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