#SEXYMARK (Light Lemon)

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^what do you mean that's a screenshot I have on my phone haha you don't know anything^

Basic Story: Mark decides to 're-create' the #sexymark video for his boyfriend Jack...

Warnings: Light orange (jk I mean light lemon)

[Jack's Pov]

My eyes fluttered open, the sunlight peaking through the blinds was blinding me. I held my hand up to cover my face from the extremely bright light.

I turned over expecting to see a sleepy Mark laid next to me, but there was only an empty space on the bed and a crease in the pillow.

I frowned, I loved seeing him in the morning, all sleepy and tired. I would keep on saying that we need to get up, but he would keep pulling me down for more cuddles.

I yawned and sat up, rubbing my eyes and putting my legs over the bed. I stood up and stretched out my arms, looking for a shirt I could put on.

I saw one across the room from last night when I took it off quickly and threw it away before getting into bed with Mark for a snuggle...and some midnight making out, I won't lie.

I put it on and opened the bedroom door that was slightly open. As soon as the door was fully open I got a smell of pancakes being cooked, an amazing smell to start the morning.

I wonder if that's why Mark's up? I walked downstairs and the smell of pancakes got stronger. I had reached the bottom and I walked around the corner and saw Mark.

He was in a bath robe that was hardly even tied, his hair still had its morning messiness and he was flipping pancakes while licking his lips. Mark was normally all sleepy and cute on a morning, but he seemed...sexy this morning.

"G'mornin Mark." I said while staring at his body. "Morning baby." He said, smiling at me before looking back at the pancake. Since when did he call me baby so normally? "No m-morning cuddle?" I said, still stuttering at the sight of Mark.

"I wanted to make you something special for such a special person..." He said in a deep voice, giving the pancake one last flip before setting the pan down and grabbing a plate.

"T-thanks Markimoo." I said while sitting at the table, waiting for my breakfast. I stared at the table, why was Mark acting like this? I wasn't complaining or anything it was just that he was...different.

"Jack~" I heard Mark call in a slow, deep voice. "Y-yeah?" I said without turning my head. "You've seen my #sexymark video haven't you?" He asked. "O-obviously..." I said, blushing like crazy. "Well, I thought I'd re-create it for you~" He said.

So that's why he was in a bath robe and making pancakes...wait. Is he gonna-

I turned around to look at Mark and sure enough, he had put the pancake on the plate and was holding it out, pouring syrup all over it. I gulped and stared at him.

He licked his lips and carried on slowly pouring the syrup over the pancake. I looked away before he could see how red my face was and he walked over and placed the plate down in front of me.

He leaned over the table and put his face in front of mine, quickly giving me a kiss before walking off again. I could hear clanking noises behind me but I didn't look.

I was getting way too flustered right now. I started to eat my pancake, which tasted fucking amazing. "Enjoy that baby?" Mark said. Calling me baby again? "U-uh yeah it was delicious, thanks Mark." I said, handing him the plate.

He walked over to me and grabbed the plate. "Your lips taste better." He said, smirking and walking off to make another one. "I'm gonna have one then I can make yours okay Jackie?" He said, looking at me and smiling. "Yeah that's fine Markimoo." I smiled back.

He started to make another pancake for him self and was finished in a couple of seconds. He started making another one while he poured on lots of syrup. He picked up the pancake with his fingers, taking a bite and letting syrup drip from his mouth.

I stared at him, not taking my eyes of the sight of him like this. He chuckled and licked the syrup around his mouth, taking another bite. He finished eating it and stuck his tongue out, licking his fingers.

He placed down the plate and looked at me. "Aw......baby?" He said. I stopped staring at his lips that were so hard to not look at and looked at his eyes instead. "Oh-uh-y-yeah?" I stuttered. He smirked and raised an eyebrow, pointing at his neck.

"I seem to have gotten a bit of syrup on my neck...mind taking care of it?" He said. My whole face went red and my cheeks were burning. "I-I-um-y-you..." I stopped trying to talk and just stood up and walked towards him.

When I got closer to him I snapped. I leapt for him, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him into the wall. "Woah...I kinda like this side to you Jackiebaby..." Mark said. I had been the 'cute' and 'adorable' type in out relationship but Mark had driven me crazy.

"You know just what to do to make me snap don't ye?" I said, not looking up at him and just staring at his neck, still holding onto his shoulders. "I sure do now~" He chuckled. I stared at his neck and licked my lips, before leaning closer to his neck and licking it.

Mark let out a small moan, clearly enjoying this. I tasted the sweet syrup and decided I wanted more. I kissed his neck and eventually sucked on it, earning a few groans from Mark.

"J-Ja-Jack..." I heard him say. I stopped and looked up at him. "Yes?" I asked. He grabbed my head and held me to look at him. "Stick your tongue out." He said. I was confused but I did as he said. He grabbed the syrup bottle and put a bit on my tongue.

"Hold it there..." He said, leaning towards me and he caught my tongue, sucking on it. I gave a small moan and held onto his shoulders tightly. He pulled away and smirked. "Tasty." He said.

I let go of his shoulders and went for Marks bath robe strings, untying them. His bath robe came undone and showed more of his chest. I pulled a bit of it off his shoulders and leaned in for his neck again.

I kissed his neck, lower than last time. "J...Ja...Jaa...." I heard Mark say in small moans. "...Ja...Jack!" He suddenly said. I stopped kissing his neck and looked up. "What?" I asked. "The pancake is gonna burn!" He said, pushing me out of the way and flipping the pancake.

Fookin hell.

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