I Love You Guys x (A/N)

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Hey guys/friends/wonderful readers/people of the community.

I want to say something and hopefully it will get a message across...

The reason I found it so easy to write the most recent Angst one shot is because I had cried that night and decided to write, to help me get my mind off things.

The thing is it might be hard for me to write anything at this moment, I tried writing today but it's turned out a mess and I can't even concentrate.

I don't want to worry you guys a lot, or beg for sympathy, but I have had some things going on for a while, a year really.

I've been bottling it all up and I'm waiting to tell someone all about it soon, hopefully that will solve things.

I have friends that are helping me through this, one of them might be reading, hello you. <3

I just feel a bit unstable at the moment where I can't concentrate on writing, so I don't know how long it will be until I'll be back.

I promise I won't be long, I miss you guys when I take a break haha.

I don't really know what else to say, but I will be back soon, bye for now.

I love you guys x

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