The Pink Haired Student (Part 2)

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I think this story is gonna have 3 chapters but I'll write another one shot in between this and the next~

I was sat in the lunch hall, eating a cookie slowly. At least he found me interesting and didn't think of me as a freak...he won't be around long anyway...he would be one of those people who would become your friend, realise they were getting bullied because of it, then leave you out of embarrassment. Wouldn't he?

I looked around me, of course I would have the whole table to myself, no-one sat near me, either they were afraid or they hated me. At least that what I thought until someone sat on the seat in front of me. I looked up from the table and saw Mark, sitting there with a donut and smiling. "Hi." He said with a large smile. I just stared at him like he was an alien.

"Do I know you?" I asked him, looking away. "Haha, a joker are you?" He asked me, taking a bite of his donut. "Like hell I am. Why are you sitting here?" I asked him, clenching up my fists. Why did I feel so...angry? He was being kind but deep down inside I knew he would leave me sooner or later and I didn't want to get hurt by it. "You looked lonely and...I would be too if I sat somewhere else!" He told me.

I looked lonely. Great, now he was feeling sorry for me. I slammed my fist on the table and looked into his eyes. "Look, Mark, I like to be lonely, I don't have friends and never will because they all get up and leave you sooner or later so that's why I don't bother, why should I bother with you?!" I asked him, fury in my voice. "'s happened to me..." He said.

My fist loosened his grip and I slowly slid it off the table. "Wha...what?" I asked him, had I made him upset? "He...he was called Aaron...we...had a thing but...he left me so...I moved to this school." He told me, looking at the table. "Dude I'm...fuck...sorry had a 'thing'?" I asked quietly. " didn't last for long still broke me, you know?" He said with a small smile.

"Right...dude I'm...sorry. Past friendships haven't gone well for me so, yeah." I said, smiling back. "It's okay." He told me, smiling more than before. I noticed he was staring into my eyes like he could see a galaxy in them, just staring into them completely. "Is there something wrong with me eye?" I asked him raising an eyebrow. "No...they're just really pretty..." He said like he was in a trance.

"Erh, what dude?" I asked him. Inside I was screaming with emotions but I couldn't let that show right now...this guy was giving me so many feelings it was unbelievable... "Oh...sorry!" He said while rubbing his neck. "Eh...right...want do you have next?" I asked him, finishing eating my cookie. "" He asked. "...maths...let's go then." I said, standing up with Mark standing up with me.

We walked to the class and out of fucking coincidence, he was in my class. "Hey look, it's the new guy." Someone said. I turned around and saw Josh, Alex and Brad. They were just some stereotypical bully's, they were all ways picking on me, being the 'freak' I am. I turned around and Mark looked scared, I didn't quite expect him to be scared with his...big muscles.

"So the pink hair rumour was true! That's so fucking gay!" Josh said, laughing with his friends. At this point I was ready to punch him in the dick, using gay as an insult really tipped me over the edge. "I am gay actually." Mark said behind me. I turned around and stared at him. Of course Jack you stupid prick, having a 'thing' with that Aaron guy meant going out with him...what else would 'a thing' mean?

"You're gay? Well, found a boyfriend for you cause little Jackaboy here is bi!" They said laughing. My face heated up with anger and embarrassment. "Listen here Josh, back the fuck off before I hit you somewhere where it will really hurt." I said, clenching up my fists. "Ooh, Jack's gonna hit me! Yeah right, a tiny freak like you wouldn't do shit." He said, smirking. That was it. I lifted up my hand and I punched him straight in the nose, making him bleed.

He held onto his nose and looked horrified. " fucking bastard!" He said, running off along with his friends. " didn't have to do that..." Mark said. "I wasn't doing it for you, he just really pisses me off." I lied, it hurt me that Mark was getting bullied already, he was nice to me so I had to return to favour somehow. Damn, am I falling for this guy? "Right...thanks anyway..." Mark said, calming down.

I nodded and waited for the teacher to show up, would she just be here already? Things were getting awkward... "What's with the nickname he gave you?" Mark asked me. "Huh?" "The nickname, Jackaboy was it?" I scowled and looked away. "Oh. That nickname, he calls me that to tease me." I told Mark who was listening closely. "I like it, it's cute." I stopped breathing for a second, no, about 5 whole seconds letting the words sink in.

I coughed and didn't look at him one bit. " she is, fucking finally." I said as the teacher was walking towards to classroom.
The entire lesson I swear Mark was looking at me, I could almost feel his eyes piercing mine. I didn't bother to look over at him and check though, I could ask him later.

~Time Skip~

"Uh...I know you said you'd find me tomorrow you wanna come over tonight? I asked Mark, looking away with my bag slung on my shoulder. I actually didn't want this day to end, so if he came over today I would have more time with him... "Oh, yeah that would be cool!" Mark said with a wide smile. Why was he so happy to come over? Not that I didn't want him to be but, he just looked so happy.

Well I'd be pretty happy if I got to go round to Jacks place and do a project

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