Fancy A Swim? (Fluff)

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Basic Story: Mark and Jack go swimming and after Jack being distracted by the rather 'sexy' stuff Mark is doing, he can't control himself.

Warning: this isn't even really fluff but it has a hint of lemon at the end hehe

[Jack's Pov]

"Come on Mark!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "I wanna go already!" We were going swimming at the nearest place, I had come over to LA to visit Mark and none of the fans knew but, I was staying over at his.

"Hold on I can't find the shower gel!" He yelled from upstairs. I sighed and tapped my foot, slinging the bag full of swimming stuff over my shoulder a bit more.

"Do we really have to get a shower there?!" I asked him. "Yes! There is no way I'm going home with chlorine in my hair!" He replied. I laughed and rested against the wall.

He came down the stairs and smiled. "Come on then, swimming!" He chuckled. I smiled back at him and opened the door, holding it for him. "Why thank you kind sir..." Mark said in a posh voice. I laughed and went out after him, closing the door behind me.

~time skip to getting changed~

"Are ye done Mark?" I asked him, tapping on his cubicle door. "Hold on!" I heard him say from inside. The door opened and there was Mark, in pink swimming trunks and his muscular chest fully exposed.

"Uh..." Was all I could say as I looked from top to bottom at him. "Come on! Let's cannonball in!" He said with a laugh. "Haha...yeah!" I said.

I was really conscious about my body now, I hadn't worked out in a while and the last time I did work out I only worked out on my biceps...

Mark started to speed walk to the edge of the pool and I followed after him. "Together?" He asked. "Sure!" I replied with a grin. "One...two...three!" He said as we both cannonballed into the pool.

I yelled "Like a boss!" Before I hit the water. We both raised to the top of the water and laughed. Mark ran his fingers through his hair to get it out of the way, smiling as water dripped down his face.

Did I just find that...attractive? I can't find him attractive I mean come on...maybe I am? No I can't be come on Jack keep it together for fucks sake!

"Want to swim then go for a dive?" Mark asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah! Race you to the other side of the pool!" I said as I pushed off the side and started swimming.

I got to the other side first, only by a second at least. "You cheated!" Mark said with a fake angry scowl. "Speed is key!" I said to him. He laughed then pointed at the diving boards. I looked at them and gulped.

There was a small diving board, a medium one and a big ass tall one. "Come on!" He said as he started to swim to the other side of the pool.

I swam after him and we both pulled ourselves out. Fucking hell his arms were already veiny, why would I care about that? I'm not jealous...I'm not...attracted to them...right?!

He smiled at me as I stood up straight and whipped my hair out of the way. Mark looked at me with a strange face, like he was in a daze the same as me when I looked at him. 

I followed his what his eyes were looking at and I realised my green swimming trunks had slipped a bit off my waist when getting out of the pool. I pulled them up and they rested on my waist.

"Uh...let's go!" Mark said with a pause. He started to walk towards the diving boards and I started to feel a bit uneasy. If I went on the high diving board I would probably faint but if I went on the small one I would be a wimp.

"Uh Mark...I'm not that good at diving so I don't think I'll have a go..." I told him. "Are you sure?" He asked, walking towards the small one. "Yeah...I mean...wait, your not going on the big one?" I asked surprised. "Nah, I'm doing professional diving!" He said while getting behind the diving board.

Oh. Professional diving. I thought it was like a kids diving board or something...thank fuck.

Mark got on the diving board and took in a deep breath, he ran and jumped off the end, diving perfectly into the water. Holy fuck he was good.

He surfaced the water and whipped his hair out of the way. Was that fucking necessary?! "Did I do good?" Mark said with a smile.

I snapped out of my daze from Mark whipping his hair and gave him a thumbs up. "Your turn now Jackieboy!" He yelled at me.

Here goes fucking nothing. I got up on the diving board and took in a deep breath. I can do this...why was I so nervous? I'd done it before...was it because I was embarrassed? But...he was only my friend...I shouldn't be this conscious about my diving in front of a...friend.

I ran and dived into the water, not perfect, but at least I didn't wind myself.

"That was great!" Mark said, clapping as I came out of the water. "You did better!" I told him. "Hey, I'll teach you!" He said with a caring smile. I have him a smile on return and waited for him to give me some lessons.

~time skip after lessons~

"Yes! You got it!" Mark said as he held up his hand for a high five. I stopped catching my breath and slapped his hand. "Are...we...done now?" I said, still short of breath. "I think, wanna head off?" He asked.

I nodded and he smiled, walking towards the showers. "I'll get the stuff out of the lockers alright?" I told him. "Yeah, I'll save a shower for you!" He said as I walked towards our locker.

(They are open showers that everyone uses, not like separate ones where you can get a shower properly)

I got the shower gel and shampoo and conditioner out of the locker but before I headed back to Mark, I peeped round the corner of the locker sections to see the open view of the showers.

Mark was running his fingers in his hair, the water dripping off his hair and running down his chest. Was he in slow motion right now?

Wait Jack...why are you staring at Mark in the showers? You shouldn't be thinking of him like this!

I shook my head and walked towards him, handing the shampoo to him. "Thanks Jackieboy." He said as he took it from me, applying some to his hair and rubbing it in, his hair getting ruffled up as he did.

Jack stop staring and do your own god damn hair!

I shampooed my hair and rinsed it off in the water, running my eyes before opening them and turning to Mark who was...staring at my torso?

His eyes darted up when he noticed I had opened my eyes and he picked up the conditioner and used that. What was that about?

When I had done with the conditioner Mark picked up the shower gel and I couldn't believe what he fucking did next.

He held the bottle high up, leaning his head back and pouring the shower gel over his neck, letting it drip down his chest and on his waist. I just watched him with an open jaw and wide eyes.

"I was re-acting my #sexymark video." Mark said with a smirk. I gave a nervous laugh and quickly looked away. He washed it off and whipped his hair back again.

That. Was. Fucking. It.

I grabbed Marks head and leaned towards him, colliding my lips with his. And without warning, I started to kiss him and lick his lips occasionally. After a couple of seconds, Mark didn't feel so tense and kissed me back.

I pulled away for air and looked at him, panting.

"On second thoughts, how about we have a shower at home?" Mark said with a smirk and a wink.

Any requests or ideas? Would love to know :D

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