Deaf Love (Part 6)

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All stories have an end, and this story is almost over...

'Do you want to go to the forest after school?' Mark signed to me, who was walking with me to our next lesson.

I looked up at him and smiled. 'Definitely' I signed with excitement.

He smiled back and now I couldn't wait for after school, we had been to the forest before where we found a small self-built playground.

There was a tire swing, some branches to swing on and a few logs to balance on. We didn't care how old we were, it was fun to mess around at playgrounds and stuff.

'I'm gonna push you even higher on the tire swing this time' Mark signed to me with a grin. 'Don't throw me off it' I signed, earning a chuckle from Mark.

If only I could hear that laughter.

~Time Skip~

Lessons were finally over and as soon as the bell went, everyone rushed out the classroom, including me.

I knew where Mark was, it was a shame I didn't have my last lesson with him but I guess I'll have to find him...

I rushed down the hallways and looked at the classrooms, counting the class numbers in my head as I went along.

I came across Mark's and came to a halt, waiting outside the door and peaking in through the window.

I saw Mark sat in the classroom on a table with 4 people, two girls and one other boy than Mark...who was he...?

Mark was laughing and talking with him, not even doing his work...was I jealous...?

The teacher stood up from her desk and walked over to the door, opening it and telling the class they could leave.

I moved back so I wasn't in the way and everyone packed up their things and got their bags on.

Mark was the first to walk out and he saw me straight way, an instant smile spread across his face.

'We heading straight to the forest?' He signed to me. I ignored his question and looked down while I signed to him. 'Who was that guy?' I looked down slightly.

Mark's smile disappeared and he must have seen the jealous look I had on my face. He lifted my chin up and made me look at him. 'Nobody compared to you' he signed.

My cheeks went red and he chuckled. 'He's not even a friend, we just talk in class' he signed to me, starting to walk and I did as well.

His words were so sweet...shame I could only read them from his hands.

As we walked down the hallway, we came across Elliot and his friends. Not this guy again...

He was leaning against the wall, smirking and watching me walk towards the doors. Before I got to the doors he yet again, made a blow-job hand gesture.

I stopped walking and walked up to him, Mark stopped and watched me. When I got close to him, I signed him the words 'fuck off' while he watched with a confused face.

He was yelling something at me as I walked away, probably asking what I had just said to him.

'What did you sign to him?' Mark asked. I signed to him what I had signed to Elliot and I saw Mark laugh and start walking again, giving me a high five.

~Another Time Skip~

We both dropped our bags by the tree and ran towards the tire swing. I got on it first and waited for Mark to push me.

'Wave your hand to stop and clench your fist to slow down' Mark signed to me before holding onto the sides of the tire and pushing me.

He started slowly then pushed me higher and higher, I could feel the wind through my hair...but I couldn't hear it.

He was pushing me on the swing too fast so I held my hand up and clenched my fist so he could see from behind me.

The wind was lighter at brushing against my face as he slowed me down on the swing.

But he didn't just slow down, he stopped.

I looked behind me and Mark was holding onto the tire tightly, looking down at the leaves on the ground that touched his feet.

I tapped his shoulder and he looked up, smiled and let go of the tire. He walked away and sat on the fallen tree trunk.

Confused and worried, I came off the swing, walked over to him and stood in front of him.

He looked up from the ground and smiled. He said something that I obviously couldn't hear, why would he speak?

I couldn't read his lips as he moved them too quickly, so I just waited and stood there.

He finally stood up and looked at me, slowly lifting his hands so I could see them.

As his chocolate brown eyes shimmered in the light that was peaking through the forest trees, he slowly signed some letters I could never forget.









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