The Pink Haired Student (Final)

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                             chapter eh? Hope you enjoy!

I was outside the building, playing a game on my phone. I had come early and I didn't want to go inside and wait, if theres people around, I don't want to be part of it. It was quiet outside anyway, calming. It wasn't cold but it wasn't hot, perfect weather to chill outside in. Another reason I was out here was that I was waiting for Mark, I didn't know what time he showed up so why not just wait outside?

I got his number yesterday, I used the excuse of saying I needed it so I could tell him when we could do the project. I found out a lot about him yesterday as well, he loved games as much as me which was an instant good point. I felt so bad for being mean to him when he started talking to me for the first time. I wish I knew about what happened with him before that, damnit.

"Hey Jack!" I heard a deep voice say. I looked up from the ground and walking towards me was him, the pink haired student. "Hey Mark!" I waved to him. It felt so weird to talk in a happy voice, I was always so angry all the time. Wait, what did he have on his face? As he walked closer and the light that was blocking some of my vision had gone, I could see Mark clearly.

He had a fake snake bite on and some earrings, maybe magnetic ones? He had some eyebrow piercings, probably some stick on ones. Not gonna lie, he looked pretty hot. "I see you took up the 'punk' style!" I said laughing. He walked closer and sat on the wall beside me. "Am I punk now?" He asked with a smirk. "Still not even close." I said with a smile.

"I hope I'm not copying you too much, I just really liked the fake ones I tried on at yours..." Mark said, looking down. "Copying me? Dude, it's totally cool if you really like em, they suit you as well." I said smiling. "Haha, thanks Jack." Mark smiled back. "No seriously, they totally suit you like, you look awesome!" I said suddenly. I had to say it, seeing him with piercings was probably the best thing ever right now.

"Wow thanks!" Mark laughed with his eyes closed. How did he manage to look badass and hot as well as being so damn cute? "We should probably get going, are we doing more of the project after collage? At yours?" Mark asked while getting up. "Yeah, can't wait!" I said. We both walked inside, unfortunately, we had different lessons so we had to split up. "See you outside!" I said while waving at him, walking to my first lesson.

~A wild time skip has appeared!~

'Finally out of that fucking lesson...' I thought. I hadn't learnt anything at all, I just kept on looking out the window and thinking of after college. I didn't know how long I could last seeing Mark in a 'punk' style without wanting to kiss him. He looked so fucking amazing with the fake piercings! I walked outside and rung Mark. "Hey Jack!" He said when he picked up. "Hey, are you on your way out? I'm by the bike stands." I told him.

"Yeah on my way, won't be long!" He said. "Alright see you soon!" I hung up and slipped my phone in my pocket. I looked at the doors waiting to see his pink hair to stand out. When I saw him at instant smile spread across my face. When he saw me he smiled too and ran over. "Did you have any problems with Josh and his friends again?" He asked me. "Nah, I think they've given up, probably thanks to you!" I chuckled, starting to walk.

Mark smiled and walked with me. "Did you have to deal with them? I thought they might make fun of you for wearing piercings..." I asked him. "No actually, thanks for asking though." Mark said. I simply smiled and we got to my house.

~Time skip bc no one wants to read about them walking tbh~

"Hey, wanna play some games after the project?" I asked Mark who was concentrated on writing his paragraph. He stopped and looked up with a smile. "Thats sounds great, what have you got in mind?" He asked me. I stopped to think for a moment. "How about GTA? We could mess around on that?" I asked him with a smile. "Definitely!" He replied with a big grin.

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