Cookie Mixture (Light Lemon)

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Basic Story: Mark and Jack are making cookies but the cookie mixture gets a bit out of hand...

Warnings: Liiiight lemon

[Jack's Pov]

"Come on Mark! Let's make these cookies already!" I yelled at Mark who was uploading a video. "HOLD ON JACKABOY!" He yelled back. I chuckled as I liked it when he called me that name. Me and Mark were planning to bake some cookies, I loved them so much so why not try to bake my own?

"IM FINISHED!" I heard Mark yell. I quickly got an apron out of my bag and put it on before Mark came into the kitchen. "Okay so do yo-What are you wearing?!" Mark laughed when he walked in and saw my apron. It was a neon green one with the words 'Kiss me I'm Irish' on it.

"What's wrong with me apron?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips and pouting. Mark laughed again and walked over to me. He studied The apron closer and then looked up. He leaned closer to me and made kissing noises, making me back off and laugh. "Not literally geez!" I said after my laughing fit. "Well come on then professional boss baker, what's first?"

"Boss baker...I like that name!" I laughed then got the recipe, studying the instructions. "Right..." I finally said when I had read what to do. Me and Mark sorted out the tray and started mixing in the ingredients into a bowl. "Cookie dough is the shit!" I said, letting the mixture drop off the spoon. "No licking the spoon okay?" Mark said, nudging my arm.

"But it's so tempting!" I said, chuckling and staring at the mixture. Mark smirked and quickly wiped some cookie mixture off the edge of the bowl, licking his finger and teasing me. "Hey! You said no licking the mixture!" I said, frowning at him. "No, I said no licking the spoon, I licked it off my finger so it doesn't count!" Mark protested, smiling as if he was proud of himself.

"That's not fair!" I said, pouting at him. He laughed and I decided to break the rules. I took the spoon out from the bowl and licked the side of it, mocking Mark as he watched in horror. "How could you?" Mark sarcastically said. I laughed then realised Mark was smirking at me. "You got a bit on your chin there Jackaboy." He said with a side smile.

My eyes widened in embarrassment and I tried to look away so he couldn't see how stupid I looked, but he grabbed my head and turned me to face him. "Iv got it..." He said. He leaned closer to me and licked to mixture off my chin, sending a chill down my spine. "Licking the mixture off your chin doesn't count." He smirked. "Eww, gross dude!" I said, backing off and wiping my chin. Mark just smirked and looked back at the bowl.

I started to put dollops of the mixture into the tray, forcing myself not to use my fingers to scoop the mixture of the spoon. I put the bowl to the side when I had done with putting the mixture into the tray and Mark started to laugh. "What's so funny?" I asked him. "How did you get it on your shirt?" He asked, laughing at me. I looked down and I had gotten some cookie mixture down my shirt, despite having an apron.

"I have no idea but I am not wearing this anymore!" I said, taking off my apron and lifting my shirt, pulling it over my head. Mark stopped laughing and just stared at me. "Uhh...are you gonna put another shirt on?" Mark asked. "That'll probably get ruined too, so no I won't bother." I told him. Why was he looking at me like that? Sure it was a bit weird baking with no shirt but it wasn't a big deal was it?

"Would ye stop staring at me?" I asked Mark who was stood in front of me, gawking. "Erh...yeah...let's just get these in the oven..." Mark said, looking away. We put them in the oven and while Mark was washing up, I picked up the bowl of the cookie mixture and some was still left, so I looked at Mark then back at the bowl. An evil grin spread across my face and I picked up the spoon.

"Hey Mark..." I said with the spoon in my hand. "What?" Mark asked as he turned around. "...think fast!" (reference to Mark's baking video anyone?) Mark only had a second to look at me before I flicked the spoon at him, sending cookie mixture flying towards him and hitting his shirt. I laughed my ass off while Mark looked at me in disbelief. "Now your gonna get it!" He said in a jokey voice, drying his hands before running towards me.

I quickly put the bowl down but held onto the spoon, ready to hit Mark again with more mixture. He ran towards me and soon ended up tackling me to the ground. I closed my eyes but then opened them to see Mark's pink hair in my sight. His head was on my shoulder and he slowly lifted his head, staring at me. "Ow." I said, chuckling. He grabbed the spoon that was in my hand and flicked it at me this time.

"Hey!" I said, trying to dodge him. He chuckled then looked at my neck, staring. "What...what is it Mark?" I asked him. He didn't answer and just kept staring at the same part of my neck. "Mark wha-" I stopped when he started to lean closer, his hair tickling my chin. "-what are you do-do-doing Mark?" I stuttered. He still didn't answer and all I could hear from him was heavy breathing.

I felt a wet feeling on my neck and jolted, i realised Mark had licked my neck. "WOAH MARK!" I said in surprise. He lifted his head and chuckled. "You had some on your neck, couldn't let it go to waste~" he said with a smirk. I let out a nervous laugh and looked at him with concerned eyes. "Ha...haha...can y-you get o-off me now?" I stuttered. Was I scared of him?

"Oh but Jackaboy, you've still got some cookie mixture on you..." He replied, grinning. "What? Whe-rmmf!" I said as he stroked my lips with the spoon, spreading the mixture all over my lips. "There." He said still smirking at me. All I could do was stay perfectly still and have no capability to move as he leaned closer to me. Oh Mark what where you playing at?!

I soon moved by jolting a lot when Mark licked my lips, sending a shiver down my spine again. "Tasty...I like it." Mark chuckled, licking my lips again then soon kissing them, getting the cookie mixture off them. "Ma...mmmfff...mmrrm..." Was all I could manage to moan as Marks tongue moved itself across my lips.

He stopped and pulled away, giving a smirk before saying: "Very tasty indeed~..." Mark chuckled before getting off me and washing the spoon, leaving me shocked on the floor. "Well come on, make sure the cookies don't burn!" He said like nothing had happened. 'Cheeky basturd...' I thought to myself as I smiled and got off the floor.

Why did this take so long to write it's not even good what is my life

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