Am I Embarrassing You? (Fluff)

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Basic Story: Mark and Jack are playing a game and Mark keeps embarrassing Jack, a lot of innuendos are involved...

Warnings: This is fluffy but there are innuendos so if your not dirty minded I suggest you leave before your mind is corrupted

[Jack's Pov]

"*Wa-pish!* Top of the mornin to ya laddies my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to The Forest with Markiplier!" I energetically yelled as I looked at Mark in the game.

"Hello everybody!" Mark said. "That was weird with you doing the intro because this is usually on my channel where I do the intro!"

I laughed and walked up to him in the game, bouncing up and down. "Would it make ye feel better if you did the intro?" I yelled with a laugh.

"Nah I'll let you have it your way this time..." Mark said with a slight chuckle. "Anyway so what are we doing in this episode?" He asked.

"Well I was thinking we could build a tree house and some tree bridges?" I explained. "That sounds fucking awesome so let's go!" Mark yelled, running towards a clearing of trees.

He started to chop down a tree and we talked about a new game that was coming out as he chopped it down.

When he did he yelled with victory and I laughed. "See that? I'm so strooong, and haaandsome...I used my big muscles to chop it down!" He said.

"Ye of course you did." I said, laughing. "I diiiiid! Do you see these muscles?" Mark said.

I moved my Skype on my monitor so I could see Mark, he was flexing for the camera and showing his arms.

I instantly blushed but I kept watching. "My arms are actually really veiny right now." Mark said.

I snapped back into reality and I moved the Skype window out of the way, looking back at the game and playing it again.

"Ooooo-k." I said with a smile. "What? What's wrong with telling you my arms are veiny? I'll tell you about other places I get veiny Jack." He said. I laughed and held my face in my hands. "Oh god..." I said, hiding my blushing.

"As if you don't know already ha ha ha septiplier away..." He said. I put my hands away and giggled. "Septiplier away!!" We both said.

I carried on collecting the wood. Urgh...was I really just staring at him flexing? Thank god he didn't have my Skype on his monitor...


We kept on collecting wood and it soon became night. "Oh nu it's dark now I'm scawerd..." Mark said in a childish voice.

I ran over to his character and pretended to hug him in game. "It's okay Markimoo I'll hug you better." I told him.

"Hey get off me! I was just pretending to be scared! I'm a manly man!" Mark said, moving his character away from me.

I laughed and kept on walking towards him. "Let me love you!" I said, starting to chase him around out camp site.

"I'm a man in this relationship! I'm the one who looks after you like your Mom!" He yelled while running away from me.

"Your not my Mom! Your not my Dad ether!" I said, still chasing him. "Yeah I am, I'm your Mummy and your Daddy!" Mark yelled.

I stopped chasing him and looked at my face cam with a face full of blushing and realisation. "T-that might have just come out wrong." I said, bursting into laughter.

"In the best way." Mark said, laughing too. I think my face was so red my camera was picking up the colour and making it 10x worse in recording...


We had finally gathered enough wood to build a tree house and soon enough, the cannibials were surrounding us. (I think they are cannibials)

"Jack get up the tree house! I'll save you!" Mark yelled, getting his axe out. "Oh please Mark, please save me!" I said in a girly voice.

Mark chuckled and started swinging his axe at the people. "There's too many of them!" He yelled. "Just come up here!" I yelled back.

He climbed up the ladder and we were both safe. Mark looked over the edge of the treehouse, down at the people.

"Leave me and Jackie alone so we can have some fun!" Mark yelled at them. "WHAT?!" I yelled. Mark turned around and looked at my character.

"Wha-oh God not like that!" Mark said, laughing his ass off. "CHRIST MARK!" I said, dying from laughter.


In the morning me and Mark were looking for a cave, searching everywhere.

"Mark I've found one!" I said, jumping up and down. "I'm coming Jack! I'm coming!" Mark said.

I just closed my eyes and tried not to burst out laughing. "Wh-what now?" Mark asked, trying to be innocent.

"I'm so done with you!" I told him, face palming and covering my blush on my face.

"Thats not what you said last night, am I right?!" Mark said, sending me into a fit of laughter.

"Mark stop! Jesus christ!" I told him, nearly all my face fully red. "Anywaaaay...lets go inside!" He said as we both went in.

"Wow it just gets deeper and deeper..." Mark said as we walked further down the cave. "Are you actually doing this on purpose now?!" I said, blushing again....damnit.

"Wh-oh!" He laughed. "No I swear I'm not!" "Riiiight." I said, walking until I saw a shadow.

"Ahh kill it!" I yelled as I ran towards it, attacking it and making the sounds of the axe swinging echo through the cave.

"It sure is echo-y in here, imagine how echo-y it would be if we had fun in here eh?" Mark said.

"THATS IT! IM DONE!" I yelled, laughing my ass off. I did my outro and ended the recording, going onto Mark's Skype that was in the background.

"You shouldn't be allowed to talk with that dirty mind of yours." I told him, giving him a smirk.

"Hah, it made you blush though." He replied. Okay now he just made me blush even more.

"Wha-no it didn't! You couldn't even see me!" I told him, pouting my lips.

"Yeah I could, I had your facecam on Skype on my other was cute anyway." He said.

I stopped and didn't speak. "Anyway, gonna edit my video, bye Jackieboy!" Mark said, waving at me and ending the call.

Did he just-

Well that took forever! Part 3 of Deaf Love will be up tomorrow so I'm sorry if you didn't want this to show up instead of that, I didn't want to do all of it in one go :)

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