I Cant Get To Sleep (Fluff)

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Basic Story: Jack can't get to sleep due to his thoughts on loving Mark...so...he calls Mark and talks about his thoughts...

Warnings: This isn't really septiplier'ish at all really, kind of like a imagine kind of thing so no warnings x3

[Jacks Pov]

I turned and tossed in my bed, I just couldn't get to sleep at all. I had been awake nearly all night now, my eyes felt tired but they wouldn't close. Maybe there was too much on my mind? I wouldn't be surprised since I had been thinking about Mark ever since I had finally told myself I loved him.

At first I thought it was a stupid crush that would go away, I mean, he's my best friend! But the crush just got bigger and bigger and I just accepted it. At Pax Prime I wanted to fanboy so hard, seeing him in the flesh again was a fantastic feeling, hugging him, fluffing his hair, seeing him right there and knowing he just wasn't through a computer screen.

Damn, I couldn't stop thinking about him...no wonder I can't get to sleep. I laid on my back, staring at the barely visible ceiling. I sighed and blinked a few times, wondering what to do. Should I...? Wait, what time was it? I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and looked at the time, I think Mark should still be awake. Damn time zones.

I sat up and walked over to the light switch, switched on the light and went back to my phone. Why not? Seeing his face might relax me or make me think about him even more, I didn't have much to lose. I went onto the Skype app and went on his name, BUMBUM it was, such a great name to have for Skype Mark.

I sat on the edge of my bed, waiting for him to pick up the call. His face appeared on my screen and an instant smile was brought to my face. "Hey Jack! Isn't it a bit late for you?" He asked me with a smile and a wave. "Yeah but..." I rubbed my neck and looked away from the screen. "I can't get to sleep." I told him quietly.

"Oh, I thought sleep was for the weak Jack! I'm ashamed in you for giving in!" Mark joked, making me smile. "Hah...it's not that I'm tired as such it's just...I can't stop thinking about stuff..." I told him, looking back to the screen. "Thinking about what? Telling me might help Jackaboy." Mark said. Whenever he called me that name I shivered with joy, it made me feel all warm when he said it.

"Uh...telling...you?" I asked. I couldn't exactly tell him what I had on my mind, maybe I should lie? Maybe I should disguise it? "Yeah, pour your thoughts out to me!" Mark said in a strong funny voice, making me laugh. "Well...I like someone...they...they probably don't know but...I think I make it obvious enough."

I decided to disguise it, hopefully he could give me advice without even knowing I was on about him. "Um...does it look like they know? Any signs of it showing?" Mark asked with a thinking face. "Well...they play along with it like pretend but...i want it to be actually real..." I was kinda hinting at this point, hinting at when Mark played along with the septiplier ship, pretending it was real.

"Umm...do you play along as well?" I think Mark was getting into this now, oh jesus had he got the hint? "Uh...I...yeah..." I told him, stuttering completely. "Well then they might want it to be real too! If they play along, and you play along, they might be the same way I guess!" Mark said with the biggest smile on his face. "I...I guess ha...thanks Mark." I said with a little smile.

"No problem...oh uh...Jack?" Mark asked. I looked at him on my screen with a curious look. "Uh...yeah?" I asked. "Your camera's tilted a bit to far down." He said with a smirk. I quickly realised that I was pointing the camera at me from an angle that had a view of my chest and boxers. I blushed and tilted the camera up quickly. I was too distracted I didn't even see what I looked like.

Mark chuckled and I swear he looked a bit red too. Maybe it was the lighting? "Do you think you can get to sleep now?" Mark asked, yawning. "Oh uh...yeah I should be able to! Sorry for keeping you up I...I was just been silly with the whole 'Iv got a lot on my mind' crap!" I said, showing a guilty smile. "You weren't being silly, besides, Iv had a lot on my mind recently too but, I have to be off I guess..." Mark yawned again.

"Haha...ok. If ya need me you know where to find me! Night Mark!" I said, waving at the camera. "Alrighty, night Jack!" Mark waved too, the call ending suddenly in mid-wave. I sighed, the quietness of my room had returned. I put my phone on the side and switched the light off before getting back into bed. I let out a heavy sigh and closed my eyes. Hey, at least I told him in one way or another.

My eyes snapped open when I heard my phone going off and the screen lighting up the room. I looked at the screen, squinting my eyes and pressing some sort of button. I rubbed my eyes so I could see more clearly but before I looked at my screen, I heard a familiar voice.

"Jack...I can't get to sleep. Can I pour my thoughts out to you...?"

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