You're Not A Monster (Part 2 - Final)

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If there is any confusion I just changed the title :)

Extra Info: A 'Blood Rage' is when a vampire goes into a state where they have no control because they haven't drunk any blood, hope this helps~

My head was pounding, I felt like I had been hit by a train or I had slammed my head against a wall a few times.

I slowly opened my eyes, it was quite dark, only a small light from the corner of my eye. A lamp? As the light was easy on me, my eyes adjusted and I found myself laying on a bed, in a room that I recognised.

Mark's room.

I felt something on my hand and I quickly turned my head to see Mark, laid on the bed with his hand in mine. I was shocked so I jolted backwards a bit, but Mark stayed asleep.

What the fuck was he doing here? What the fuck was I doing here? I don't remember...did we get drunk and fall asleep here...? No...I...he...then...I....

As the memories came flooding back, I took my hand out of Mark's and quickly got to my feet. Bad idea.

My head instantly went dizzy and I lost my balance, falling down into...Mark's arms? "I've got you Jack..." He said. I escaped from his arms and sat further away from him on the bed.

"Mark what the fuck are you doing here?! Should I even call you Mark?! You aren't Mark at all! were...different...!" I said, demanding answers.

"I am of right now anyways." Mark spoke softly, sitting up on the bed. "I wasn't Mark back there...that was...a different side to me." He said.

"A different side to you?! The fuck do you mean by that?!" I yelled. "I stopped drinking for a while...I disgusted myself. But...I needed it...which ended up with me being in a blood rage.... I ended up draining someone just so I could have some blood...but I went to far in my rage..." Mark said.

I stopped, laying there and staring at him. He looked down, he couldn't bear to face me. I saw a tear fall from his face so I grabbed his chin and lifted his head up.

His eyes were full of tears. "Jack I'm so sorry!" He yelled, grabbing and hugging me as tight as he could. "If I had just drank some blood like I'm supposed to...I wouldn't have gone into a blood rage and I wouldn't have killed that man and I wouldn't have drunk from you!" He yelled with his head resting on my shoulder.

My throat was dry and I couldn't speak, so I hugged Mark back. "M-Mark...p-please don't beat yourself u-up for this..." I finally said. "But it's all my fault!" He yelled through his tears. "M-Mark...please..." I said. He pulled away from the hug.

I grabbed his shoulders and he looked at me. "Mark, it's not your fault that you can't control this 'blood rage'..." I spoke softly to him. "...It's not your fault that you need blood or you go out of control." He started to tear up again and he looked down. "I'm still so sorry Jack...I didn't want to hurt you...I couldn't stop myself..." He said.

I stared at him, crying his eyes out and apologising about something that he couldn't prevent. " when your in your 'blood rage' then?" I asked him quietly. "Y-yeah..." He said.

I ran my fingers across my neck, feeling the deep bite marks slightly. I winced at the pain and quickly took my hand away. Mark looked up with his eyes filled with worry. "I'm...I'm sorry." He said. "Mark, please stop apologising, you couldn't help it." I reassured him.

He nodded and gulped, staring at the marks on my neck. "I remember wanting to bite you so bad...I could smell your blood...I remember dying to drink you..." He said. It was my turn to gulp and look worried. "Y-you won't d-do it again w-will you?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Since I've quenched my thirst, my body doesn't need to go into a blood rage anymore..." He said. "T-that's good to hear..." I said with a chuckle.

We were silent for a while, both sat on the bed, looking down. It gave me a chance to think about what happened when I woke up, Mark was holding my hand while I was asleep? He was laid next to me as well...

"I'm a monster." Mark suddenly said. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. "Wh-Mark!" I said, grabbing him and making him stare into my eyes. "Mark, do not say that you are a monster, you may be somewhat like that in your blood rage but you must remember who you are now okay? Right now you are not a monster, you're you." I told him.

He continued to stare into my eyes, his tearing up again. "Who would love someone who is part monster?" He asked, his eyes turning from surprise to sadness.

"Me." I told him. His eyes turned into surprise again and he looked at me. "Wh-what?!" He asked. "Me damnit! I would love someone who is part monster! I don't care Mark...this changes nothing! I still love you!" I yelled, looking down and shouting.

"Y-you love m-me? Wh-what?! What do you mean you still love me? When did you start lovi-" I shut off Marks words by leaning forward and kissing him, tears falling from my eyes.

He kissed back, crying while moving his lips against mine. I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"Your not a monster."

I feel like this was one really messy and all over the place x( I did write part of it at 1am and the other half at school while I was rushing so could also get my work done, sowwy

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