Markimash VS Septiplier (Fluff)

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~I actually drew over a pencil drawing and coloured it all in for the fanart above, I think I did I good job since I can only draw over stuff lol~

Basic Story: Jack has something planned for Mark, but it looks like they get caught in the act...

Warning: This ones a bit sad

I don't watch yami so I'm so sorry if his character is a bit off haha

[Marks Pov]

Just sitting on my couch and playing a game on my phone was quite relaxing, I had recorded what I needed today so I had the chance to have some calm time. It did get quite lonely sometimes, but I could still feel the fans love in my heart to keep me company. I wasn't quite alone this time though as I kept on getting texts by someone...

I was too busy concentrating on my game I just let them go off my screen and disappear. Maybe I should look at them... The plan to get off the game and check the messages quickly was canceled from my mind when I heard a knock at the door. I put my phone down on the sofa and got up to answer the door.

I got to my door and opened it quickly. "Y-Yami? J-Jack?! What are you guys doing here?!" I asked, completely surprised as the British and the Irish youtubers stood in the hallway. "Surprise ya goof!" Jack said in a happy, silly voice. "Didn't you get the texts Mark? We said we were going somewhere near you!" Yami said with a roll of his eyes.

"Whoops...I was busy playing a game I didn't notice..." I said with a guilty look on my face. "Ya silly!" Jack laughed. "It's so great to see you guys!" I said as I walked forward and wrapped my arms around them both. "You too Mark!" Yami said with a smile. Jack chuckled and put his arm around me as well.

"Are we gonna play some games?" Jack asked with a mischievous smirk on his face. "Definitely! Come on!" I said as I let go of them and rushed into my apartment, going into my recording room and setting everything up already. Jack and Yami walked in and both smiled. "It's been so long since we've played anything together Mark!" Yami said.

I looked up at Yami and chuckled. "Yeah, the fans have been going crazy..." I said with a nervous laugh. "So what are we playin' Mark?" Jack asked quickly. "I was thinking of taking turns to play soccer physics!" I told them with a grin. I got the game set up and put up a chair next to me. "Ok so Me vs Yami then Yami vs Jack and-" "-awww I wanted to go against you Mark!" Jack whined.

"Haha...okay then, Me vs Jack then Yami vs Jack? That better?" I asked with a smile. Jack put his hands in the air and did a small punch in the air. "Yeah!" He said in a cute tiny voice. Wait, cute?! Well it was kinda like a cute little girl voice so...yeah. "Come on then!" I said, patting the chair next to me. Jack sat down and we started to play, Yami watching behind us.

~little bitty time skip~

We had finished recording and Yami seemed to be uncomfortable when me and Jack were playing, like he couldn't wait to play with me. Jack seemed to get closer when I was with Yami as well... "You guys wanna watch a film before you go to your hotels?" I asked them. "Aw yeah that's a great idea!" Jack said, clapping his hands.

"What should we watch?" Yami asked with a small smile. "A horror film?" Jack suggested. "Yes! Great idea!" I chuckled, running out of the room and getting Netflix up on the TV. I saw Yami's face when I ran out, he looked like he was scowling at Jack, did he not like horror films? I went through some films and decided on one, Dead Silence.

I plopped myself down on the couch and I was followed by Jack and Yami sitting at ether side of me. Did they both have to sit next to me? There was enough room on the couch for them... I put the film on and Yami seemed to tense up already, maybe he didn't like them. When a jumpscare appeared he made a small squeal and he seemed to lean closer to me. What was he playing at?

Jack picked up the bowl of popcorn that was on the floor and placed it on his lap, eating it and enjoying the film. I went to grab a handful but instead I grabbed Jacks hand and we both froze. After awkwardly holding onto his hand I let go and placed my hand back down. He moved his hand away and I made sure it was safe for me to grab some popcorn.

After the film I clapped my hands once and stood up. "Well that was so scawy!" I said in a silly voice. Jack laughed but Yami made a nervous chuckle. I picked up the popcorn bowl and scooted past the table and Jack's and Yami's legs. Since there wasn't much room I knocked my phone off the table. "Ah fuck..." I said as I bent over and picked it up.

I stood back up and turned around, I swear to god Jack was staring at my ass because his eyes moved up quickly. "We better be heading back soon haha..." Yami said. " can head back now if you want Yami, I wanna stay here for a bit longer if that's okay Markimoo?" Jack asked. Yami stared at Jack until he finally said: "Can I stay longer too?"

Were they both playing at something or what?! "Uh, yeah that's fine! As long as you don't fall asleep here!" I joked. Jack laughed but stared at Yami afterwards. Yami jolted and got his phone out of his pocket, it was ringing in his hand. "I'll just take this...sorry guys!" He said as he stood up and walked out the room. Leaving me and Jack.

"I'll just put the popcorn away yeah?" I said, still holding in my hand. "Awe come on Markimoo..." Jack grabbed the bowl and put it down, he then grabbed my arm and pulled me down on the sofa. "...a bit longer." He said with a smile. Okay something weird was going on at this point, was he tipsy or something?

"Uh...haha...ok..." I simply said. "Can I stay here maybe...longer than planned?" Jack asked, leaning towards me. " it gets really dark out?" I asked him. "No...longer than that..." Jack said with his eyebrow raised. "L-longer? Like f-for the night or s-sometimg?" I stuttered with Jack still leaning closer to me.

"Yeah...for the night...if that's okay for do have a spare room don't you?" He asked, nearly leaning right on top of me at this point. "Y-yeah I d-d-do..." I replied. I didn't know why but I had a feeling deep down inside that I liked this, Jack leaning towards me...why?! "I don't have to have the spare room ye know..." Jack was placing his hands on each side of my waist and slowly resting his chest on me.

By this time I was leaned up against the arm chair with Jack about to get on top of me. "Are ye alright Mark? Ye seem uncomfortable..." Jack smirked. "I-I-I'm g-great." I replied. "This will make you feel better than great..." Jack said as he rested his waist on mine and leaned closer to my face, his lips colliding with mine.

"Mm! Mmm..! Mmmm..." Was all I managed to say. Jacks lips were so soft and this felt so good, I let my eyes slowly close from the amazing feeling rushing through my body. I kissed him back with passion and held onto his waist. "MARK?!" Someone yelled. Jack pulled away and lifted his head up and looked above my head with shock on his face.

Still holding onto Jacks waist, I turned my head just enough so I could see above the arm chair.


"MARK?!" He yelled again. "Ya-Yami?" I asked him. "What is this?!" He questioned while walking slowly towards me and Jack. "I thought we-! I-I thought we h-had something Mark!" He shouted through his tears. "I-I didn't mean to...oh fuck sake..." Jack lifted himself of me and as soon as Jack was off me, Yami rushed over and grabbed my arm, hugging it.

"Mark I love you! I always have! All those games we played! The fun times we had! When we met each other!" Yami said, crying and hugging my arm tight. Jack grabbed my other arm and hugged that too. "Mark...your my hero and...I love you so much! Please Mark...I'm sorry if I was too forward I you so much!" Jack said.

"Y-Yami I'm...I'm so sorry..." I said, pushing his hands off my arm. " please..." He said. "I'm sorry Yami..." I told him, walking backwards with Jack still holding onto me. "I-I-I'm..." Yami stopped and he just slowly walked towards the door, opened it, then shut it. I stood there for a while, processing everything.

Jack suddenly hugged me which caught my attention. "I'm sorry Mark..." He said into my neck. "It's fine...I love you Jack." I whispered. "I love you too Markimoo..." Jack whispered back.

I don't rly like this one but meh ^_^

I mean no offence to yamimash okay? Just a story guys.

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