Cheesy Pick Up Lines (Fluff)

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Basic Story: Mark and Jack have a competition to see who has the best pick up lines, Mark takes it further though...
Warnings: None at all brah your safe

[Jack's Pov]

Me and Mark were sat at my table, we had just finished eating some pizza that we had ordered and Mark decided to have some fun.

"Let's see who can say the cheesiest pick up lines." Mark said, smirking at me.

"Why the hell would I agree to that?!" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"I know you want to give it a go." Mark said with a chuckle.

"Fine, I bet I'll win though..." I told him, giving a proud smile.

He shook his head then looked up, thinking of what the say.

"Excuse me I think you dropped something, my jaw!" Mark suddenly said.

I burst out laughing and slammed the table.

"Oh god these are going to be so cheesy!" I said in my fit of laughter.

"Try beat that ya leprechaun!" Mark teased, smirking.

I thought for a second, then I got it.

"Do you have sunburn? Or are you always this hot?" I asked, trying to pull a sexy face.

Mark covered his mouth in an effort to stop laughing. I laughed at my own pick up line which made Mark uncover his mouth a let out a long laugh.

"Give up?" I asked.

"That may have been cheesy, but you haven't heard shit!" Mark said after his laughing.

"Go on then, try and beat the Irish!" I teased.

"I hope there's firemen around because you are smokin!" Mark said after a while of thinking.

That sent me giggling for a while, Mark chuckling too.

"It''s the way you said 'smokin!' was fucking hilarious!" I said, still giggling.

"Am I beating the Irish yet?" Mark asked with his arms folded.

I shook my head and looked down, thinking of something to say. I had nearly given up but I thought of one.

"Kiss me if I'm wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?" I said.

I chuckled but then realised Mark was leaning across the table towards me.

"Mark what are you-"

I was cut off by him kissing me. What was he doing? My eyes were open wide but his were closed.

He pulled away and sat back in his chair properly. He just had a calm expression on his face like he had done nothing.

"M...Mark...what the fuck was that?" I asked, confused as all hell.

"You said to kiss you if you were wrong, so I did." Mark said calmly.

"It was a pick up line I didn't mean it literally!" I told him quickly, the feel of his lips on mine still there.

"Sounded like you did...wanna watch something?" Mark asked like the previous event never happened.

"Wha...erh...yeah...okay..." I agreed, trying to forget what happened too.

"Can we have popcorn please?" Mark said in a child's voice, standing up and tucking his chair in.

"Urm...sure...haha..." I said as I stood up too, taking the plates to the sink and getting the popcorn out.

Mark put a film in and then walked back into the kitchen to see how I was doing with the popcorn.

"Your eyes make it look like the stars aren't shining." He said suddenly.

"Wha..." I turned around to look at him, he was resting on his hands with his elbows on the counter, staring at me.

"...Mark we stopped the pick up lines..." I told him, looking back to the microwave.

"Yeah but I I'm playing again." He told me with a grin.

"I can't think of anymore so I guess you automatically win." I told him, I just didn't want something awkward to happen again.

"I'll just say them then." He said.

What was he playing at? After a while of the only sound being the popcorn popping, he spoke up.

"I think there is something wrong with my eyes because I can't take them off you." He told me with a small warming smile.

I just turned to him and just made a face at him. It made him laugh and then go back to thinking of more.

I got the popcorn out of the microwave and turned around to the counter that was behind me.

I got out a bowl and started to pour the popcorn in it.

"Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you got a sweet ass." I heard Mark say behind me.

I spun around and I swear his eyes moved up when I looked at him.

"That is such a bad one..." I chuckled as I turned back to the bowl.

"Are you a camera because every time I look at you I smile."

"Stop already..." I chuckled.

"If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber."

"Mark stop."

"What is an angel like you doing here? Heaven is a long way away..."

"Mark stop it." I told him, turning round to look at him.

"Do you have a map? Because I keep on getting lost in your eyes."

"Mark shut up already!" I told him.

"Make me."

"Fine, I will."

I spun my whole body around and leapt for him, grabbing his shoulders and giving him a kiss.

"Mmff!" I heard Mark say when my lips met his.

I pulled away and smirked.

"I shut you up." I told him.

"Nope, still talking." He said with a smile.

"I'll just have to keep kissing you then..."

And with that I pressed my lips against his and nether of us could talk.

Urgh Wattpad is so fucking glitchy! I'm writing my story's in my notes now because it's pissing me off so much xD

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