False Reality (Angst)

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Basic Story: Jack has a nightmare about Dark, but is it really the real Darkiplier?

Warnings: May cause readers to cry endlessly

I'm so sorry pls forgive me

[Jack's Pov]

Everything was black.

I couldn't see.

I swiftly brought my arms up, putting my hands in front of my face. I couldn't even see them even though they were in front of my eyes.

Before my heart beat out of my chest from panic, a light shone from above. It was a spotlight, only showing a couple inches of the ground around me.

Now that I could see my hands, I saw I was holding something in one of them.

A gun.

Shaking, I lowered my hands and my head, looking down at the object. "Why have I got a gun?" I asked myself, my voice cracking from fear.

Suddenly, I heard a faint click of another spotlight coming on. I quickly looked up, my hair flying out of my face.

There was a figure underneath the second spotlight, quite far away from me.

The figure looked like Mark, but there was a few things different about it.

Mark's skin was grey, it looked dead and decayed, like it would flake if you touched it.

His eyes sent a shiver down my spine. His dead, dark eyes. They were fully black, not a spec of light could be found in them.

My eyes however, widened with fear and no longer shined with hope.

His body was twitching, like he was out of control. The fear that was building up seemed to control me, making my hands shoot up, holding the gun with both hands.

I aimed it towards him, my aim wasn't very good however, as my hands were shaking like crazy.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I yelled, seeing the Mark look-a-like grin like the devil.

His white teeth poked out from his lips, his sharp fangs prodding his lower lip.

"Oh Jackie, you don't recognise me?" He asked with a tilt of his head, his voice deep and raspy.

"OF COURSE I FUCKING DON'T!" I screamed at him, my hands shaking uncontrollably. My finger slid in front of the trigger, almost ready to shoot like it was a reflex.

"You've had this dream many times before, Darling." He spoke calmly. "You just don't remember."

My heart was practically pounding against my ribcage, trying to break my bones in two.

A dark chuckle came from him, the chuckle echoing through my head. "But this time, dear Jackie, you will remember."

Without thinking about it twice, I pulled the trigger on the gun.


The sound of the gun firing seemed to repeat itself over and over, and it didn't stop until it hit the figure in front of me.

As soon as the bullet hit his chest and through his heart, he changed.

His skin turned to a tanned colour, his dead eyes turned to a chocolate brown, his teeth were normal and his grin had faded quickly.

"M-Ma-Mark...?" I stuttered, my voice cracking. His brown eyes widened with fear and pain, his hand moving to the hole in his chest. He looked down at it before looking back up at me.

"S-Seàn...?" He spoke, his voice filled with shock. "W-Why did you do this Seàn?" I lowered my limp hands and dropped the gun, hearing it crash to the ground and hearing it echo through my mind.

"N-No...i-it wasn't y-you-" I tried to speak, my stomach turning and twisting, like someone had grabbed my insides and pulled at them.

Mark fell to his knees, blood pouring out onto the floor and seeping through his fingers. "N-No, no, no, no, NO, NO! NO!" I screamed, running over to him as he fell onto his side.

I kneeled down and lifted up his head, resting it on my lap and looking down at him, my vision blurry from tears.

He looked back at me, his mouth starting to fill up with blood and pour out from the side of his lips. "Y-You did this t-to me...wh-why?" He choked, my tears crashing onto his cheeks.

"M-Mark it w-wasn't y-you, I p-promise-" My breathing soon turned into panicked, quick breaths, making me dizzy.

"Y-You shot me..." "I kn-know I did but, I d-didn't mean to, i-it waSNT YOU DAMNIT!" I yelled, mine and his face soaked in tears as I rocked back and forth.

"You...you...killed...me..." He spoke, before his eyes closed and his body went limp, his head falling to its side.

Feeling the limp body of Mark in my hands made me feel fear like I had never felt before. I was scared, shocked, I couldn't move.

I just looked down at his face, admiring every feature that I love about him. I loved everything about him, and now that everything was gone.

And it was all my fault.

I gripped into his hair, feeling the strands through my fingers as I held onto it tight. My hands shook with anger, my insides twisting and turning like I was going to be sick.

I threw my head back, letting out a yell into the thin air. I screamed until my throat was dry, I screamed until it felt like sandpaper as my yells crawled up my throat.

I didn't stop screaming.

Until I woke up.

My whole body jolted, my heart racing and pounding against my chest. Heavy breathing filled the room as I tried to catch my breath from waking up so suddenly.

I gulped and panted a little more, before I could breathe properly. Why would I have a dream like that? Why?

I wouldn't even call it a dream, it was a nightmare, a nightmare that should be forgotten. But how could something like that be forgotten?

My head turned to the side, seeing the back of Mark's head resting on the pillow, his bare shoulders showing of his beautiful bone structure.

I smiled, everything was fine now, Mark always made everything better.

I reached out for his shoulder, shaking him slightly. "Mark." I whispered, shaking him more harshly to wake him up.

"Mark, wake u-" I turned him over onto his back, but he wasn't asleep.

There was blood on the bed, on the sheets, on his chest.

There was blood on his chest.

Where his heart was.

I looked at the bedroom floor, seeing an object. It was a gun, the one I saw in my dream.

Next to the gun was a jacket, an orange jacket with a label on it, which I could just about make the words out through the darkness of the room.

It read:

'Paráfron Asylum
Patient 9537498
Seàn McLoughlin'

*listens to a million hearts shattering including mine*

I'm sorry if I hurt you but I hurt myself writing this so we're even

By the way, translate the Asylum name (Paráfron = παράφρων) from Greek to English ;)

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