Birthday Present (Fluff)

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Basic Story: Mark is visiting Jack for his birthday, he wants to give him a special present for his special day~

Warnings: Just fluff fluff

I might not be very good at the whole 'bar' thing bc iv never been to a bar so idk what's it's like okay xD

[Mark's Pov]

"Happy Birthday Jack!" I yelled over the music that was coming from inside the dance club. Jack smiled and hugged me. "Glad your here buddy, come on and let's party!" Jack said while laughing, grabbing me and pulling me inside.

There was tons of people in here, half of them drunk off their ass and the other half just dancing the night away. It was a shame no-one else was here, but apparently Jack's birthday wasn't a good enough reason to fly over to Ireland.

"Going for the hard stuff first?" Jack smirked as we walked over to the bar. "Fuck it, it's your birthday so I'll do it!" I replied with a laugh. We both sat down at the bar and waited to get served. "I'm so glad yer here Mark, I would have probably stayed inside playin games on me own if you weren't here!" Jack said to me.

I smiled and looked into his gorgeous blue eyes. That's right. His fucking gorgeous blue eyes. No wonder people made a big deal out of it when he went really close to the camera, they were even more beautiful in real life.

"No problem, i knew you'd be a loner here on your birthday so I had to come over!" I joked, earning a playful punch to the arm from Jack. "Oy! Shut ye mouth!" He laughed.

"What will it be?" A guy said. We turned our heads to see the barman looking at us. Jack ordered a drink for me and him and he walked away.

"How long are ye staying over here Mark?" Jack asked me with a smile. "I don't actually know, I just planned to come see you but I have no idea when I'll go back!" I said, giving a fake smile. I wish I could stay here forever, with him.

"Ye could stay at mine...i-i-if you would be stayin that long...ha..." Jack said. My smile went into a real one and i looked at him with wide eyes. "Really? That would be okay and everything?!" I said with a huge smile. "Yeah buddy! I've got a spare room and stuff!" Jack replied with a smile almost as big as mine.

Before I could practically grab Jack and hug him to death, the barman put two drinks on the bar and gave us a smile before walking off again. I grabbed mine and held it up. "To Jack's birthday!" I said. Jack chuckled and grabbed his, holding it high up. "To me birthday!" He said.

We both took a swig of our drinks and let the cold liquid rush into our bodies. "Let's party like porn stars maaan!" (Reference to Until Dawn playthrough hehe) I yelled over the music. Jack laughed his ass off and took another drink.

~time skip attack!~

"Ye know Mark...this night has been the best..." Jack slurred. He was a bit tipsy, just slightly intoxicated. "It's not over yet! We've only sat here and talked while drinking!" I told him. "Well I'm looking forward to the rest of the night then..." Jack gave a small smile.

I looked behind us where loads of people were dancing to the loud ass music, some dancing like they were being tazed of course. "Wanna dance?" I asked Jack. Jack smiled and out his arm around me. "Why not?!" He said.

We got off the bar stools and rushed into the crowd of people. Jack did a little head banging to the beat of the music and swaying his hips, while I waved my arms around and tapped my feet.

He looked so, different. Dancing to the music without a care in the world. His body moving like that, I just wanted to hug him forever and not let go.

After a while of dancing we decided to head home. I put my arm around Jack and helped him outside and past the people. "Are we gonna play games when we get home?" Jack asked with a tipsy smile. "Sure are buddy." I told him, walking outside and the cold air reaching us.

" don't have a birthday present for me do you?" Jack asked me with a questionable face. My eyes widened as I hadn't got him anything for his birthday, how did I fucking forget?

"Uh...I do have a present for you's not something you can just take from me." I told him. "Oh? What is that then?" He asked. "Well, I have to give it to you so..." I leaned closer to Jack and caressed his face, staring into his gorgeous eyes then slowly closing mine.

I met my lips with his and gave him a slow, gentle kiss. I felt the breeze blow through my hair, the soft sound of the music blasting from inside the club.

I pulled away, the sound of our lips pulling apart echoed in my head. "Happy Birthday Jackieboy." I said with a smile. He stood there for a while, in complete silence. "C-can I have another present?" Jack asked nervously. "Hm?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "A longer kiss?" I chuckled and leaned closer to him again.

With my lips just centimetres apart I replied with:

"Okay birthday boy." And with that, I met my lips with his once again.

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